
<p>(YES, This is long. Yes, I've already done chances. But we got 10 week report cards, my athletic and volunteering status has been updated, and I've narrowed down my school choices. Come chance me!)</p>

<p>I am a 9th grader, and want to apply to boarding school for my 10th grade year. I have interviewed at Choate and am scheduled to interview at Andover and Exeter in a month! (YES, I'm only applying to three schools. Shut up.)</p>

<p>GRADES (First Quarter, 9th grade):
Honors English 9: 98
Honors Biology: 99
Global Studies I: 96
Algebra I: 100
Spanish II: 100
Studio Art: 100
P.E. (lol): 96</p>

<p>My overall average was a 98.66</p>

Elementary, Jr High, and Sr High Band: 5 years (I play the oboe)
All County Band (First Chair): 3 years
Area All State Band (Second Chair): 1 year
Instrumental NYSSMA (solo competition): 3 years
3 Major theatre productions (Wizard of Oz -Lollipop Guild-, Snoopy! The Musical -Snoopy-, Fiddler on the Roof -Fruma Sarah-)</p>

Jr High Volleyball: 2 years
Junior Varsity Volleyball: 1 year (this fall)
U14 Club Volleyball: 2 years (Will continue onto U16 team this year)
(I am a setter, and basically play 11 months out of 12.)
Jr High Track and Field: 1 year
Varsity Track and Field: 1 year (this past spring)</p>

Mathalon (elementary math competition within the county): 2 years
MathCounts (same as above, but middle school): 2 years
Envirothon: 1 year (kind of, just started this year)</p>

I volunteer in a 3rd Grade classroom after school during their math time, and I supervise the students occasionally, grade papers, and in general offer a helping hand to the teacher. I've (officially) volunteered 8 hours in the past 10 weeks since school started.
I'm starting volunteering with the Jr High Volleyball team next week, also, and improve the setters.</p>

<p>I'm only applying to Choate (top choice), Exeter, and Andover. Yes, it's a small list. But its about fit, and I don't care about getting rejected and whatnot. Really. Because my public school isn't terrible, and it's not the end of the world. So don't even say anything.</p>

<p>ALSO- My SSAT score was 99% verbal, 85% math, and 98% reading comp. A 99% overall.</p>

<p>Bump! This would be really appreciated...</p>

<p>I would say you have a very good chance at Exeter, Andover is about 50/50 in my opinion, but I dont know about the other school...sorry!</p>

<p>Thanks! :)</p>

<p>are you TRYING to intimidate people??!! haha =]</p>

<p>you really don't need to worry if you have that resume.
i'd be surprised if you didn't get in.</p>

<p>determined: Funny, that's what I think about other people!!
I think really that it's only intimidating because it's different. While my strength is volleyball, someone else may have a hook of teaching English to Chinese children. Depending ont he school, or the applicant, these may be strong or weak hooks.
So to you my resume is great, but compared to other people on CC... It's weak!!</p>

<p>But thanks :)</p>

<p>You have a great resume, but I would say your downfall would be the math level your in. Typical students at all the schools your applying for are in Algebra 2 in the 9th grade, having already taken Geometry and Algebra 1. I think Choate is most likely to accept you, having the highest acceptance rate. Exeter cares about math a lot more than Andover, but Andover cares more about music, so I think Andover should be your second pick.</p>

<p>What are you talking about…?</p>

<p>In every school in New York state, the regents level Algebra 2 is for 11th graders. 9th graders take Algebra I, 10th graders take Geometry, etc… I don’t know how every applicant can take a course two years ahead, especially with our school system…</p>

<p>well, generally, algebra 1-2 comes first, then geometry, then algebra 3-4. i know its wacked</p>

<p>Well, in the state of Virginia it’s also Algebra 1- 9th Grade, Geometry- 10th grade, Algrebra 2- 11th grade. But if you go to a magnet school like I do, you already take Algebra 1 in 7th grade, and Geometry in 8th grade, and some kids even take Geometry over the summer so they can take Algebra 2 in 8th grade, and be THREE courses ahead. </p>

<p>I don’t know about your city/town, but there are also advanced programs in most schools in Virginia Beach, and I’m you can take the high school credits even if you don’t get into the two magnet schools.</p>

<p>keep in mind some schools -ahem, MINE- don’t allow “summer courses” as school credit and will not allow you to skip a year of geometry from a summer of it. so 9th graders are forced to start with geometry (“accelerated”, though this is regulated to every student in our school so it’s not really accelerated at all) unless they are a new student with another math background.
i know quite a lot of schools do geometry in 9th grade, but doing al1 in 9th is perfectly acceptable. sometimes actual accelerated math by individual students are not allowed or offered by the school.</p>

<p>just do good, that’s what i say.</p>

<p>I’m in New York… We have magnet schools, but none are even CLOSE to being realistic for me. That’s why I’m applying to BS, duh.


<p>THATS my school. I don’t know why everyone assumes being normal is BAD.
I finally see why everyone is so ****y at CC. Being normal, doing something the way your school wants you to, is BAD. It’s not good enough.</p>


<p>Saer, no need to get mad at pinkheart. It’s important to understand that people are trying to give their honest opinion - if they give you constructive criticism, you shouldn’t get mad. If you’re fed praise after praise, you won’t be able to learn some of your weak points. Personally, I think your math level is a bit low - Exonian 9th graders normally take a much more rigorous course than Regents Algebra. Admissions might think you’re not qualified for the math. I’d say you’re a mediocre candidate for E/A, but high chances at Choate.</p>

<p>Oh…I didn’t know about math in your school district. Its sort of the same in math, with 9th in Algebra 1, 10th in Geometry, and 11th in Algebra 2, but many school districts around the country let you move up. It’s not bad that your normal at all, and you have a fantastic resume and have an extremely high chance of getting into any school you apply to. If your school district absolutely won’t let you move up, its not your fault and the admissions people won’t really care about it. Obviously your school doesn’t challenge you and that’s why you’re a great candidate for boarding schools.</p>

<p>SAER wow congrats on ur academic achievements haha
i think you have a pretty good chance at gettting in.
haha ur grades are impresssive and so are ur ecs.
i would be uber surprised if you didnt get in.
but jw…how can you do area all state for NY in 9th grade? i play violin with the Empire State Youth Orchestra in albany and i know SOOO many kids that do nyssma. ( i cant, i dont go to school in ny) and i know for a fact that you cant be in all state if your a freshman…how did you get around that? LUCKY!!</p>

<p>I was in Junior High All State… Haha I neglected to mention that didn’t I?</p>

<p>I really, sincerely apologize for the over-reaction to pinkheart… I just kind of freaked out a bit because my school district made a really bad decision in disallowing accelerated math classes the year I started middle school, so my entire class is below average…</p>

<p>And I’m up against very smart kids, who are 2-3 years ahead of me. :(</p>