Che Guevera...

<p>communism only works in small scale communities (like the amish). most people are too greedy or immoral for communism.</p>

<p>milton friedman defending libertarianism (4 parts):
[YouTube</a> - Milton Friedman on Libertarianism (Part 1 of 4)](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>defending capitalism:
[YouTube</a> - Milton Friedman on Self-Interest and the Profit Motive 1of2](<a href=“]YouTube”>
[YouTube</a> - Milton Friedman on Self-Interest and the Profit Motive 2of2](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>I have no respect for anybody who wears a Che T-shirt for any reason under any circumstances. If you do, you are a worthless idiot, I don’t care whether you researched his ideology in depth or you just saw the shirt in GAP and thought it was cool. Communism/socialism does not work, it will never be successful, and it will ALWAYS result in a lower quality of life for the average individual than a free market system. </p>

<p>You can talk about some sob story where a somebody was f.cked by the “evil corporate pigs” that the far-leftist idiots love to complain about but what a socialist fails to realize is that when you impose central planning, you end up with the same sh.t only you take away the potential to rise out of your economic status that exists in a market economy. </p>

<p>Cliff notes: If you own a Che shirt, you should kill yourself.
(Novelty/joke shirts, etc. are obviously exempt from this)</p>

<p>after reading this post I have decided to add my own comments.</p>

<p>first off i am a capitalist. i believe in capitalilsm because i believe in work and providing for yourself and thedrive to try and obtain more. i will say the capitalist system is not perfect but no system can be perfect since humans are not perfect. however, i believe capitalism can provide more chances for succes then can a system where there is no chance for improving your life. </p>

<p>when it comes to che i believe he was a man of the people, who believed in what he thought and acted as believed was necessary. despite this, he did murder innocent people and personally i dispise him. and however i love the fact that CHe is on shirts. it shows how gullible people are to wear something, to show a message yet completely destroying the symbolism with the very same shirt. that is what the capitalism system is about, providing something people want and i hope there are always che shirts.</p>

<p>^I agree, to an extent</p>

<p>I consider myself pretty liberal, maybe even borderline socialist on some issues, but I’m truly shocked whenever I’m reminded of the whole Che phenomenon. Yes, he was communist, but that fact alone shouldn’t make him “evil”. What I do consider pretty outrageous is that we live in a culture than can idolize both the non-violence of someone like Martin Luther King Jr., and violent revolutionism inherent in a figure like Che.</p>

<p>“Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become …”</p>

<p>This isn’t a figure that deserves praise, at least in my mind.</p>

<p>I can’t believe I didn’t read this thread before…</p>

<p>lol @ the people that think an economic system can be inherently evil (that goes for people on both sides of the debate)</p>

<p>and lol @ Che Guevara</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Guevera is a military warmonger that brought devastation upon several nations, killing tens of thousands in the process.</p>

<p>He looks like a mountain man with the beard lol</p>

<p>Gryffon, thankfully it’s a “was”: he’s been dead 42 years.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”> - Dcthornton;

<p>Haha, Che for the whole family!</p>


mercantilism? slavery? fascism? colonialism?</p>


Fascism, isn’t an economic system. Nor is slavery, and I think neither is colonialism. I am afraid that only leaves mercantilim, which, while a poor system indeed, doesn’t really deserve to be called “evil,” I don’t think. I mean, sure, some may take issue with the idea of colonies existing to make the mother country wealthy, but…</p>

<p>[Economic</a> system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“Economic system - Wikipedia”>Economic system - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>slavery is the only one that isn’t there. i think i could make an argument for it being an economic system though. </p>


I guess it doesn’t involve the distribution or consumption of goods, but it is the means of production. </p>


but…what? where do i go wrong in considering something like colonialism evil?</p>

<p>I think of colonialism as a part of mercantilism. Countries colonize for the ultimate benefit of their own people/industries. Slavery would be an economic tool that often plays a key role in colonialism.</p>

<p>How strange. A lot of people that had to suffer him remember him as the hatred-filled murderous psychopath.</p>

<p>@Foreman, hilsa, et al: What exactly attracts you to Che? I’m honestly wondering, because I can’t figure out why some fellow liberals [okay, don’t know if you’re left-leaning but just assuming] admire the man. As someone who values human life and is opposed to the torture at Guantanamo and the death penalty, I view Che’s brand of oppressive, militant Marxism as the force that oppressed and slaughtered thousands in Latin America. The man was in charge of the Cuban death squads and sought bloodshed wherever he went. Ever notice how Cuban-Americans are generally not Che fans? Yeah, there’s a reason for that. [ /end rant]</p>

<p>Che the Revolutionary WAS Che the Pinko. The two aspects of his personality are inseparable. I definitely agree with J’adoube and others on this one.</p>

<p>“Guevara is a military warmonger that brought devastation upon several nations, killing tens of thousands in the process.”</p>

<p>we’re not talking about former president george w. bush.</p>


Cuban-Americans are not fans of any communists. If they were, they would have stayed in Cuba, not gone to the U.S.</p>

<p>“the motorcycle diaries” sealed the deal for me. che is awesome, and warrants an “ends/means” pass. </p>

<p>all of this communism hatred is nonsense- it may not work for every country, and it may not be the best choice for our capitalist-condition society, but it’s just a harmless little alternative political ideology. chill out!</p>