Cheating to get in

<p>Information may surface from other sources, but I would be very surprised if UNC makes any public statement about the decision it makes with respect to these individuals. While I would certainly have an interest in knowing the outcome, UNC will likely consider the situation to be a matter between UNC and the student. In fact, it may well be prohibited by law from disclosing this information publicly. Personally, I would not like to be in the position of any of the involved students. In my opinion, coming forward with the information will not result in a free pass on this issue.</p>

<p>Remember that kid from Texas with the perfect SAT scores and they rescinded his acceptance because he did no work second half of his senior year. That was made very public. Perhaps because he try to sue UNC. I am sure someone will leak information about these students. I agree with you all, this should not be taken likely. I go to a small public college prep school instate. We have no ranking. Cheating is taken extremely seriously. Kids probably would have been suspended indefinately.</p>

<p>same here. kids went to a school that would have shown you the door for this type of behavior. and it should be between unc and the family involved.
i am a little surprised that a student that goes to unc would know what their plans are since i would think that is discussed in a private meeting with the higher ups? and i just don't believe a school like unc would overlook this.</p>

<p>snoz: Yes, but the kid you mention brought that to the press himself (or his parents did), precisely because he brought the law suit and wanted it out in the open. UNC didn't release the information about him. I also think confidentiality laws would prevent UNC from making a statement, but I'm sure you'll ultimately find out-- from students themselves.</p>

<p>The cheats are talking about their situation openly in front of other students and it is making its way around the CHHS grapevine.</p>