<p>So...how often do people cheat in college and how much does it matter? Just curious on what people think. It's kind of scary when I hear that most college students cheat, for petty classes or major projects.</p>
<p>Since the majority of HS students admit to cheating, I don't think it would be any different in college. The difference is the penalty. Cheaters generally suffer a greater punishment in college, absent some schools that won't admit that someone they chose could possibly do something like this! Seriously, I know of a few cases where students were suspended for as long as three years, and one where the student was expelled, at my D's college. In one case, the student used (with approval) a website's in an article for the newspaper and because he failed to cite it, he was called before the committee. Most colleges, in an effort to curb this problem, have instituted Integrity Codes, and violation is clearly spelled out. Also, more and more profs are using software to check and see if there is any plagiarism.</p>