<p><a href=“http://www.recmanagement.com/rmnews/0621.auburn.pr.pdf[/url]”>http://www.recmanagement.com/rmnews/0621.auburn.pr.pdf</a></p>
<p>I am glad they are finally building this. It was originally slated to open fall 2011, but at least it is on its way to becoming a reality.</p>
<p>Looks awesome!!</p>
<p>Wow, that sounds incredible. Especially an outdoor pool. I apologize if this page is old news or anything, but there’s more information and pictures here: [Auburn</a> University Recreation and Wellness Center](<a href=“http://www.auburn.edu/student_info/student_life/recreation/newreccenter/index.html]Auburn”>http://www.auburn.edu/student_info/student_life/recreation/newreccenter/index.html)</p>
<p>That is an impressive facility. Is the openning expected for Spring 2012 or Fall 2012?</p>