checked my online status..what does it mean?

<p>I just checked my application status says the following:</p>

<p>"Your application has been reviewed and a letter was mailed on December 6, 2007. ."</p>

<p>Does this mean I probably didnt get accepted? Because when my friend got accepted it said "congratulations...."</p>

<p>I applied to CLA</p>

<p>could be denied or waitlisted</p>

<p>If you were accepted it says, "Congratulations!" and tells what college- then it says you will receive a letter.</p>

<p>KRAZ!!!!! IT means you've been rejected...........forever!!! jk, but dude, i'm srry..u mite be missing materials...or postponed.</p>

<p>I just got the same message...
Your application has been reviewed and a letter was mailed on December 11, 2007.
I'm just reallly realllllyyy anxious right now. I applied to Carlson as my first, and CLA as my second. I honestly don't care if I didn't get into Carlson I at least want to get into CLA. This will be driving me crazy for the next couple days. !!!</p>

<p>Just recived the mail today and it says I got postponed. better than rejected I guess...</p>

<p>My counselor told me that last year they postponed a lot of people and let a lot in after most students had made commitments to other schools. I hope that if I am postponed (please god at least that) that we both get taken off of the waitlist. I wish all my luck to you.</p>

<p>good luck to you too MNgirl08 :)</p>

<p>ya i know that A LOT of people that are accepted to minnesota go to other schools, so i would assume that youd have a pretty good shot at being accepted if u were waitlisted. mngirl ur stats might be a little low for carlson but id assume ud make it into CLA. good luck and hopefully you get it!</p>

<p>I'm not sure how this two college application process will work. Could I be postponed for Carlson and accepted at CLA? I guess time will tell. Thank you for your support. :)</p>

<p>MNgirl, basically, They consider ur first choice (carlson right?) and if u can't get in there, then they consider u for liberal arts. Carlson this yr is easier to get into cuz they're expanding their program. They have room for 450 applicants versus last yr's 300. That means they could accept like 1000 applicants w/ an average enrollment rate of 45%ish. So their standards this yr are a lil lower. I jst recently got in w/ Rank-41/309, 30ACT, Good Recs, and 3.5UW/3.9W</p>

<p>yeah i know that much but i was wondering if i could still be postponed at carlson... should be getting the letter soon.</p>

<p>Hey MNgirl08, have you heard anything yet? Did you get into Carlson or waitlisted? What about CLA? I thought you asked a good question. Can one get waitlisted for one school and admitted to another etc... What happens then? Good luck in any case! I hope you made it in!</p>

<p>Looks like i should be getting the letter tomorrow or friday. They sent it yesterday and i only live about an hour and a half away so should be here soon. I'll let you know what happens... yikes!</p>

<p>The wait is awful so I hope you hear something very soon! Good luck!</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I was denied at Carlson and postponed at Liberal Arts. CC made me anticipate this, so it wasn't a huge disappointment, but still a disappointment nonetheless. Good luck to everyone who is postponed and waiting for their decision!</p>

<p>I’m not sure if this conversatin is still active, but it sure is a good resource to those of us who received that letter and are unsure of it’s meaning…
I just checked the online status and it only said a letter has been sent. I was wondering what the verdict was on any of you… Were you waitlisted or denied for the college of liberal arts?</p>

<p>It’s either a rejection or postponement. I was postponed for Institute of Technology.</p>

<p>ok, what exactly does the online status check say when you are (1)postponed, (2) accepted?</p>

<p>If you are accepted the word “Congratulations” appears in the first line. If it only says a letter has been sent then it is either a deferral or a denial.</p>