checking on supplementary recs

I know you should call colleges to check if they've received things like transcript, teacher recs, etc but what about supplementary recommendations? Are you supposed to/allowed to check and see if they've arrived?</p>

<p>anyone have any input on this please?</p>

<p>It's probably a good idea to check this. In my son's case, there was some action triggered by the receipt of the supplemental info. The program he's trying to get into has several hoops he has to go through. Only if his original app was "accepted for futher review" was he to submit the supplementals. He got a letter asking fo those. Then, once they were received and reviewed, IF they looked OK, he would then be invited to be interviewed on campus. That has happened, so I guess they got everything. After the interview, he will know in about two weeks whether or not he's accepted into that program.</p>

<p>But where there are no responses triggered, I think it's a good idea to follow up and make sure the app is complete.</p>

<p>My S's online application website only mentioned receipt of required materials, not supplemental ones such as additional recs and college transcripts. It is definitely a good idea to check if they've been received.</p>

<p>thank you...</p>