Chem 3A/3AL is retarded.

<p>A) I've heard that this class is crazy hard.
B) I CAN'T EVEN GET IN!!@#$%^&*^%$ Stupid waitlists</p>

<p>Basically, I hate waitlists, telebears, the Chem department, Berkeley&California's fiscal irresponsibility, finals, Math 1A/1B, and basically life. I should have gone to private school =[</p>

<p>/end rant
Anyone else want to rant about any other classes? Oh, besides CS61B. I'm sick and tired of hearing about that retarded class as well.</p>

<p>It’s okay, Indian. You shouldn’t get so down. You can still get into Chem 3A and everything else will be resolved. I’m in the same boat as far as Physics 7A is concerned, but there isn’t even a waitlist for me to add myself to. I’m just waiting for people to drop once next semester begins. Sometimes things don’t go as you planned so you just keep thinking ahead.</p>

<p>lol I know, no worries. Sucks about physics…I signed up for it phase I, but even then I got horrible discussion/lab times. Whatever, next semester for bioe’s sucks regardless.
Excited for conboy’s lecture tomorrow?!! /sarcasm</p>

<p>As excited as I am for our BioE 10 final. Words fail to describe how utterly excited I am feeling right now at the thought of that moment. </p>

<p>I really should finish problem set 6 though. It’s taken me about 9 hours and counting. I feel like it should be easier, but Haroldo is grading it and I get distracted by things like this.</p>

<p>Ouch…me and my friends did a divide-and-conquer system. I’m in charge of #2. We’ll just share the answers tonight. Relatively painless; I mean, #2 took me all of half an hour to finish. Except for part D, which makes no sense regardless.</p>

<p>I’m working on 2D too, actually…#2 kind of scares me, because I don’t know what exactly Haroldo is looking for in our answers…I used to divide and conquer, but doing the homework myself is the only way for me to learn the material since I don’t really pay attention in lecture. (Who does for that matter?)</p>

<p>No one. Unfortunate. Usually, 95% of people are asleep or in the process of falling asleep. The other 5% don’t get the lecture anyway.
At least the final is open note/lecture…</p>

<p>I hope they grade the final more gently. I’m pretty sure most of the class will get a failing grade that they will have to curve generously.</p>