
is honor chemistry weighted when the uc collleges calculate the gpa?

You can check your HS’s UC weighted classes on this link if you are a California HS student.

my Hs doesn’t weight chemistry honors but I heard that colleges calculate their own gpa based on the rigor courses

If the course is UC approved, then the UC’s will weight the class regardless of what your HS does.

so like would a person with a B in honors class have a lower chance to go to a UC than a person with an A in non honors class?

One grade in one class is not a good comparison. You have to look at the overall picture of both applicants. UC’s do consider HS course rigor so an applicant that decided to play it safe with their GPA and take mainly non challenging courses and has a 3.9 GPA, while another applicant took several challenging courses and has a 3.9 weighted GPA, the applicant with the more rigorous course schedule would have a better chance at an acceptance.

Here is the UC GPA calculator and you can play around with grades and # of Honors points to see the differences:

Please note that you do not have to take every Honors/AP/IB or DE course available at your HS but you should try to show the UC’s that you have challenged yourself in selecting the courses that interest you.