ChemE job prospects

Just looking for feedback or what others have experienced with their ChemE student’s job search. My son graduated in May 2017 (with Honors) in ChemE. 3.5 GPA. 2 solid internships in manufacturing (Lhoist and CertainTeed). Volunteer work. Currently finishing MBA as part of STEM to MBA program. Will graduate in May 2018 with MBA and high GPA as well. He has had his resume reviewed by Dr. Ward and the other career staff. He has done several practice interviews and has positive feedback from his advisors and has been told he presents himself well - ‘professional’ is the term they use. He is generating very little interest on the job market. Applying primarily for entry-level engineering jobs. He is not looking to land a higher level job just because of the MBA. He is getting the MBA now while he is still in “school mode” and hopes it will help him understand the business side of whatever engineering job he might land. Plus, he just turned 22 and realized another year of school would allow him to somewhat finish growing up. If that makes any sense. I know about the debate of waiting to get the MBA until working for a few years. But he is past making that decision and isn’t looking to cash in with it either… So saying he should have waited doesn’t help.

Long story short…is the job market for ChemEs slow this year? He had a full day of interviews the day after the fall career day. Had 1 on site interview. A couple of “no thankyous”. And several no further responses. Calls and emails aren’t returned. Are any others seeing similar results? He is gearing up for career day next month but is somewhat frustrated that nothing has shaken loose yet given he has a strong major, good GPA, internships, and volunteer experience. And is willing to start in any location.

I hate to say this but my DD has multiple interviews, internships and job offers over males who had better GPAs. It’s a good time to be a under represented in STEM…and she keeps getting recruited even though she has a job. She actually felt a little bad about it, at least for a little while.

@1stTime, I’ve heard stories like this quite a bit over the years. The only thing I can suggest is that he keep on doing what he’s doing. It definitely is a numbers game for most guys, but most usually get something by the time they graduate or shortly thereafter.

Are there any openings with either of the companies he interned with? Is he applying to jobs he’s finding on Indeed and also directly on the company websites?

He is applying through Indeed and on company websites. Also openings he finds on and ziprecruiter. It just seems like they go into a black hole. The companies he interned with do not have entry-level positions right now. I just chuckle when I see stories in the media about the shortage of STEM workers in the US and why those jobs need to be outsourced overseas, and how we need to encourage students to get interested in STEM classes.

I went to a career fair yesterday and was encouraged by several companies to apply for internships instead of full time positions because they had few of the latter.

I’ve sent over 90 applications at this point. Interviewed with six companies. They seem to disappear after one or two interviews – very rarely get an actual rejection notice, just silence for weeks/months.

Also (not that this matters from your son) but it goes back to some other posts, about where you graduate from. Stanford, MIT etc. grads don’t have this problem because so many companies recruit those colleges. Other schools get less attention so it’s more difficult to stand out from the thousands of other ChemE grads. Bottom line is he just needs to keep hunting and he will find something.

@bodangles, I’m shocked. You’re in Penn State Shreyer, right? Penn State has vaunted career services - have you consulted with them?

I’ll PM you.

@1stTime, I’m going to PM you.

I’m surprised. My son graduated in 2013 in ChemE. His ChemE friends immediately were hired…pay start in 2013 was $85k. Most got jobs in Texas, and a few in Louisiana and in Nashville area.

I’m not up to what’s going on in ChemE job world right now, but I’d be surprised if there is an issue.

Let me ask my son where they are working…company names, etc.

Ok!! My son texted me back to provide the names of the companies that employ his Bama ChemE friends…

Chevron, ExxonMobil, Schlumberger, Tennessee Valley Authority, Georgia-Pacific, Eastman Chemical, International Paper, DOW Chemical, BASF, SABIC, DuPont, Momentive

@mom2collegekids it would be more helpful as to WHY you think your son and his friends got jobs and the OP’s son is having a more difficult time…

would be more helpful as to WHY you think your son and his friends got jobs and the OP’s son is having a more difficult time...... .


My son isn’t working in ChemE. He became a physician. I don’t know the details as how/why my son’s friends got the jobs they did, but the OPs son hasn’t yet graduated and it’s only Feb 1st, so it’s too early to tell whether he will or won’t have a job after May.

If the op’s son is really having trouble, then perhaps he’s not submitting enough applications or to the right places… I provided the list of companies where my son’s friends found employment because they seem to hire entry level chemical engineers and are familiar with Bama grads.

It might also help to have someone review his resume and to have him do a mock interview at the career center.

^^OP’s son already has the ChemE degree in May 2017.

this may give OP an idea

True, but he’s still enrolled in school - working on his MBA.

but he is looking for ChemE job and has the credential for it.

@annamom, Yes, but he’s looking for jobs for AFTER he completes his MBA in May, not now, so it’s still early. No reason to panic.


^^OP’s son already has the ChemE degree in May 2017.

he is looking for ChemE job and has the credential for it.



His situation is unique because altho he already has his chemE degree, he is still in school full time for his mba…so he’s not employable until mid May. So nothing to panic about yet.

He did NOT start looking for a job last year because he was still in school. He does not intend to start working until after May because he is still in school full time. The fact that he has his chemE degree is irrelevant at this point.

^^as someone who had experience looking for job during her graduate program, I can tell you that it is very irrelevant.
my nephew got his job offer while completing his undergraduate in CS at Stony Brook.