Chemical Engineering recommended schedule? Is it good?

First Semester Courses
Course Name Credit

ENGR 111 - Foundations of Engineering I 2 hrs
MATH 151 - Engineering Mathematics I 4 hrs
PHYS 218 - Mechanics 4 hrs
CHEM 101 - Fundamentals of Chemistry I 3 hrs
CHEM 111 - Fundamentals of Chemistry I Lab 1 hr
Total Credit Hours 14 hrs

Second Semester Courses
Course Name Credit
CHEM 102 - Fundamentals of Chemistry II 3 hrs
CHEM 112 - Fundamentals of Chemistry II Lab 1 hr
MATH 152- Engineering Mathematics II 4 hrs
PHYS 208 - Electricity and Optics 4 hrs
ENGR 112 - Foundations in Engineering II 2 hrs

Total Credit Hours 14 hrs

Any advice would be appreciated

Thank you in advance.

First semester schedule is good. For second semester, I highly doubt you will want to take physics 208 and chemistry 102 at the same time. Doable, but physics 208 is a headache by itself.

Physics courses are definitely tough at A&M. Taking Physics 218 and Chem 102 (along with long project hours in Engr 112) will make keeping that 3.5 GPA tough for auto into ChemE.

My son had a similar schedule but added Honors Chem and Honors Engr and had a tough time last semester mostly because of time management (he did most of the Engr programming himself and spent way too many hours). If you are a very strong student then that schedule is ok. An alternative is to take an easy elective instead of Phys 218 and complete physics at a local community college over summer. That way you maintain your GPA for auto admit. If your GPA falls below 3.5 and you go into holistic review then some departments may prefer if you take both physics on campus. Also EE requires that you complete both physics if you put that down as your first choice.

Right now you want ChemE, but once you take classes you may change your first choice. So, make sure you talk to your first choice department and know what they are looking for when they select. My son went in with ChemE as first choice, then thought about Aerospace or EE. Finally put ChemE as his first choice on the entry to major application.

(Not sure if they are still going by 3.5 for auto admit into major after a year or if you are already accepted into ChemE as a Freshman. They keep changing rules).