<p>Is there a place where I can read about the various areas of research in chemical engineering? It'd be nice to have a broad and general picture of all the research involved in chem e that's broken down into different sects. I want to know what interests me before I start me second year of school.</p>
<p>At your own school…</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://www.cbe.iastate.edu/research.html]Research[/url”>http://www.cbe.iastate.edu/research.html]Research[/url</a>]</p>
<p>In my understanding, every school’s chem e research is more specialized in certain areas. I’m just wondering if there might be more things out there outside Iowa State.</p>
<p>So go to other schools’ websites, go to the ChemE departments, and click the research button. Almost all of them will break it down into the various research areas. The thing is, almost all will have the same basic research areas. The difference will be how much they do in each area and the focus of said research in each area. Most schools will have some research in all the major areas though.</p>