Chemistry 0360 (Organic II) at Brown


I will be attending Brown starting this fall. Chemistry has always been my strength and I would like to concentrate in chem as well. Is it possible, by request, for me to take a placement best to place out of organic chemistry I (chem 0350) and take Organic II in this upcoming fall? I have thorough knowledge for the Organic I portion because of my preparation for the chemistry olympiad.

Thank you in advance!

Why don’t you contact one of the concentration advisors listed on this page:
My daughter has had a few occasions where she emailed a Brown professor over the summer and they were always very responsive.

Thank you! I was about to email a professor but I wasn’t sure which one… concentration advisor sounds better

You most likely will not be able to place entirely out of the first semester of organic chem, since it also has a lab portion that is necessary to complete as part of the course. They may allow you to take the second semester, then complete the lab portion for the first semester.

Brown Orgo is extremely rigorous. The 35-36 sequence goes well beyond the intro sequence at even our peer schools. I say this as a bio major, not as a chem major, so maybe it won’t feel as difficult to you. I’m not super familiar with chemistry olympiad (only science olympiad) but don’t be totally surprised if the professors feel that you do not have adequate background to bypass CH35 (I refuse to use the “new” banner course numbers). There’s no school more flexible than Brown though so absolutely ask about it and see what happens.

I’ll see what happens. I sent an email and am waiting on the response

Let us know, I’d be curious to hear what they say.

Definitely let us know what they say. I’d be shocked if you place out of organic. Orgo is one of the hardest courses at Brown – it’s a weed-out class – I just really doubt it.

deleted- wrong forum

@gongtd1 So what happened? I’m curious because I’ve been recently admitted to Brown and I’m trying to do the same thing you’re doing.

@IneffableMaestro OP hasn’t logged on to CC since he made that post so don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer

@IneffableMind Brown chem department doesnt let anyone skip classes apparently I had to take both chem 33 and 35 this year. sorry for the late reply