Chemistry honors after AP?

Does anyone have any experience with the second class in the honors sequence of chemistry 1st quarter after taking AP chem and getting a 5 in junior year? I’m wondering if it’s worth the extra work and if I will even be properly equipped for it, or if I should just stick to the second class in the normal sequence.

I’m not sure about my intended major, but I’m leaning towards an Econ major possibly combined with a Science major (as a secondary question, is Econ / Chem major an insane idea?).

The second class? What do you mean?

I know some people that took Honors Chem. They all thought it was very, very hard. Some of them enjoyed it, some of them didn’t think it was worth it. But they all thought AP Chem was trivially easy before even attempting Honors.

So…how good are you at chem? How willing are you to devote your first year life to chem? How much do you mind getting up at 8:30 am for lecture? The class is designed for those seriously interested in doing chem lab research, similar to AP 5 Bio - if you are taking it for any other reason, you will likely be miserable.

And Econ + Chem is 14 + 13 classes, + 18 for the core (if you need to do your language) = 45 classes. You have 48 class slots total, plus calc will triple count for both majors and the core and your physical science credit will be done automatically with the chem intro sequence. So you can double major pretty comfortably if you are planning it out from the beginning. Won’t leave you with a ton of breathing room, though.