chemistry readiness assessment

<p>since i will be taking some form for chemistry in the fall, it is required that i take the chem readiness assessment. since it has been two years since i have taken chemistry and i had a really good teacher, i was wondering how difficult the questions are on the test and how in depth they ask the material. any information concerning the test would be appreciated. also, is the online test timed per question?</p>

<p>thanks !</p>





<p>From ISIS and [url=<a href=“]here[/url”>]here[/url</a>]</p>

<p>6/17 is less than half correct, and it obviously doesn’t test anything difficult that you would learn later chemistry. The Calculus Readiness Assessment only tests algebra and trig.</p>

<p>CHM 1025 vs 2045</p>

<p>If you took AP, then you should go with 2045. Passed the exam (+premed) just retake it and get the A. </p>

<p>Reg/Honors Chem only, it up to you to see how comfortable you are with the subject matter. If you are focused enough, should be an issue. </p>

<p>1025 does the first 6 chapters. 2045 does 15 chapters, also the 1st exam in 2045 is the 1st 6 chapters. </p>

<p>Another good summary: [General</a> Chemistry](<a href=“]General”></p>

<p>You can take a look at the notes for these two professors. However most post their notes on e-learning (</p>

<p>2045: [General</a> Chemistry I Spring 2008 (Brucat)](<a href=“]General”>
2046: [url=<a href=“]CHM2046notes[/url”>]CHM2046notes[/url</a>]</p>

<p>1025 is terrible. I fail to believe that what I went through was only the first 6 chapters of full Chem 1. I would try your hardest to get into 2045; it’s not worth getting a poor grade in two classes to have the “intro” class. There were SO many instances of kids in 2045 trying to help 1025 friends with their online homework and having no idea what they were doing; they make it way too hard and it truly is becoming a pre-med weed out course. My friend is currently a junior and had things like group tests when she took it, but when I had it last semester there was no group work at all.</p>

<p>Also something to consider:</p>

<p>I took it, got a C, and changed my major [for a few reasons]. Now I only have 2/6 credits for Physical Science, which means either I have to take a 4 credit class [which would probably involve a long lab period] or two 3 credit classes to fulfill the requirement. You should be able to complete this gen ed in two courses; it will probably take me three in total.</p>

<p>I also notice the CHM 1025 is online now and they say it should take 30 hours to complete the class. Anyone try that?</p>



<p>It maybe hard to believe but 1025 is the first 6 chapters. Its a good class for people that just dont have the knowledge base to start with 2045. For most, the last time they took a chemistry class was 10th grade and most have forgotten most of it. That why I say you have to know your comfort level before you start 2045. I took AP chem so it was an easy choice take 2045 1st. I was also a peer mentor for a couple semesters in 1025 and students in my group varied. I had some that really didn’t need to take the class. They would have done fine starting with 2045. However, others needed a lot of extra time and I even held extra study sessions for people that needed it (not required, so dont expect PM’s to do this). </p>

<p>But just to add, I know many that started with 2045 and did fine with honors HS chem. They just had to learn the info faster, at times.</p>



<p>They are constantly changing the class structure. When I was a PM, part of the exam was in a group, but no group exams when rainydysndmondys took it. I am pretty sure its a relatively new class (~4years) because I dont remember this class being offered when I was a freshmen.</p>

<p>Concerning the readiness assessment, is it timed ?</p>

<p>My advice still stands that I would’ve far preferred to kill myself for a C in 2025 than a C in 1025, both scenarios something I feel would’ve been feasible. My chemistry background consisted of a poorly taught class in 9th grade. To be honest, I would’ve benefited from a 2-semester long intro to chem class, which I’ve heard does exist.</p>

<p>I just checked the tests on ISIS and I don’t think they’re timed…</p>