<p>Journey, committing social gauche in estimating the abilities of website designers from a country that does censor the internet (I’ll admit it though, I did lol at “cut off your left hand”), doesn’t make someone unable to get into Cornell .</p>
<p>Journey, you are a laughable moron for thinking a comment on an online message board would stop someone from getting into college, but humor me, what is it we said that will cause Cornell Adcoms to tear our applications to shreds?</p>
<p>stargazer - They
(isn’t it weird how we use a third person plural when we don’t know the gender of a third person? Like, shouldn’t there be something indeterminate instead of he/she? Same thing happens with his/hers and theirs? Lol. That’s always bugged me.)</p>
<p>probably got annoyed when people said “the Chinese” to criticize the specific persons who copied the website (it is a generalization), and the joke about cutting off people’s hands (Which is an actual punishment for several offenses in many countries that practice Sharia Law, incidentally).</p>
<p>thanks. Yes, isn’t it ridiculous we referred to the people who run a Chinese university as Chinese? And cutting off a hand thing was a joke…and my grandma came to this country from a nation in which Sharia law is the norm, and I know people get their hands cut off, but you have to be ridiculous to get offended at that.</p>
<p>@ collegehopefull, I don’t think of the singular they as being an incorrect use of a plural pronoun, I think of it as just being a word that can be either singular or plural. Eventually it will be accepted as standard. After all, “you” wasn’t always singular.</p>