Tell me how is this possible

<p>Can someone tell me how Jinan</a> University has the same website layout like Cornell</a> University ?
I know it's possible that both schools may have hired the same person/business to design the webpage, but it's also possible that one school stole the script off another o0</p>

<p>hey if u cant beat the best
look like them</p>

<p>Screen scrape. Can you proscecute someone in a different country?</p>

<p>“Screen scrape. Can you proscecute someone in a different country?”</p>

<p>its complicated but as the RIAA proves its possible if u have the will power</p>

<p>Identical. Maybe someone should tell Cornell? lol</p>

<p>(watch Cornell end up being the one who stole it. Jinan U: “***!? Cornell ripped our homepage!”)</p>

<p>this is pretty old, seeing how neither’s doing anything about it, guess its not worth the trouble? this happened with another 2 schools, one in america one in china that had similar websites like these. i forgot what happened</p>