Choice of Engineering Major - Undergraduate Engineering in USA

I understand generally Engineering undergraduate students are offered choice of Engineering Major after completion of 2nd semester based on the performance of student in 1st and 2nd semester.<br>
My concern is if any college decides on Engineering Major at the admission to 1st semester itself and then allows the student to continue with chosen Engineering Major from day 1 of admission till completion of Engineering Undergraduate course of 4 years.

Lots of universities admit students to their selected major from the start. Only some do what you describe. Once you are admitted to a major, you can certainly stay in it until you graduate.

Could you please list few such colleges or provide a web link of such colleges. Thanks.

I can tell you that my university does so and I know that UIUC does as well. Apart from that, you need to do some homework. Figure out which schools you would like to attend and then go look at their Engineering curricula online. You have not provided us with any of your academic qualifications and usually posts like this will also list schools that they are interested in.

Reference my above query, I would be interested in California Int. of Tech (Pasadena), Georgia Inst. of Tech; Carnegie Mellon Univ. (Ann Arbor), Purdue Univ. (Indiana).
Any information on above is requested.

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