Choice of Major? Advice needed for transfer student

<p>Hello fellow parents. This question is on behalf of DS. He has completed 2+ years of college, started out it one major, got sick, changed to another major, then just made sure to complete all general ed requirements. He's healthy now, working full time in sales, supporting himself, and he seems to have a knack for sales. He'll probably need to finish school on a part time basis, choosing the simplest, shortest route to a degree. He thinks he'd like to work in sales and advertising once he finishes his degree. As a transfer student, he needs to declare a major. What are the pros or cons for these majors, all of which interest him:</p>

<p>Psychology. This would be the fastest route to a degree for him--every pre-requisite/lower division requirement is finished. He'd need 11 courses to finish.</p>

<p>Economics. He'd need 13 courses to finish, two of these are pre requisites.</p>

<p>Business. He'd need 15 to 16 courses to finish.</p>

<p>Communications/media studies He'd need 15 to 16 courses to finish. This one's the most impacted, so it may not be possible.</p>

<p>He'd love to double major, but that is not likely to be possible unless he quits work and goes to school full time for two years--not sure he can really do that with his responsibilities. He has no loans at this time--we can help him some, but we really can't just support him 100% through school the next two years. Any thoughts on the best route? He's 22, he's a "people person" and not likely to enjoy a job that requires sitting in front of a computer by yourself all day. He's smart, and good in school.</p>


<p>Perhaps he should talk to some people who have the job he wants, people he admires. He can ask what route they took, what courses they feel contributed most to the skills they actually use in their work. People love to talk about themselves, so it shouldn’t be hard. In my experience, on the job training has been more useful than anything I learned in school, so I’d say, at his age, get the degree and get out. Conversely, the four years living in the college “bubble”, growing up, and learning to learn are priceless. But that does not seem like an option for your son at this point.</p>

<p>Since no one is biting, I’ll just tell you how I would think about it. I think he has to ask himself what he really wants, the degree or the education. If the job he has now is likely to lead to a career that he finds satisfying and he just needs the status of a college degree to provide him with a credential that would allow him to be promoted into positions of increasing responsibility, then get the psychology major in 11 courses. If however, he wants the education that comes from getting a business education, then major in business, with classes in accounting, finance, marketing, strategy, etc, even if it takes longer because he has to go part time. I would think that being really good at sales would enable him to be very entrepreneurial and eventually run his own business. There are probably things from the business education that would provide him some tools and ways to think about business that may actually be useful to him and allow him to interact and speak the same language as accountants, bankers and investors without having to completely trust what they say at face value. Unless he’s planning on going for an MBA later, I’m not sure I see the value of the economics degree except to have a major that isn’t considered a soft major like psychology. </p>

<p>Frankly, I’m hoping you get some better advice, I just didn’t want you to go away empty handed.</p>

<p>Whoops I see you already have.</p>

<p>I have to disagree with my friend classic. Psychology is not a soft degree. It covers alot of organizational behavior, consumer behavior, how people are motivated and many other factors that are key to business, are key to selling to any customer and are essential in finding the ways to create the sense of urgency needed for people to part with their money. I would suggest he do the psych degree as it is appliacable across so many platforms in sales and advertising.</p>

<p>I would say get the BA in psychology. College really doesn’t have to be, and some feel shouldn’t be, direct vocational training. Is he interested in the psychology courses? </p>

<p>Many jobs just ask for a BA, without specifying major. Getting a BA shows maturity and perseverance. It would make sense for a young man who wants to get on with career to get the BA in the fastest (but legitimate) route and then get on with it.</p>

<p>He is already showing success in sales. After he gets a BA, he can always consider a p/t MBA (some workplaces pay for this), or do certificates in various business-related subjects. Most people really do on the job training, once employed, and gather skills that way. He is already doing that.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for these replies. Yes, he’s very interested in psych courses–then I get to thinking some of the same points that ClassicRockerDad mentions. I appreciate the different points of view, and look forward to getting some more input.</p>



<p>I’m not saying you are wrong TheresaCPA, but I learned all that from one Social Psychology course and a few 2-3 day training classes in Sales, “Building Working Relationships”, “Exercising Influence”, courses that were offered by my employers. I didn’t need a whole degree. I meant soft as in easy not useless. Psychology courses are perceived to be easy because much of the stuff that you learn that matters you learn by experiencing it anyway and then becoming self-aware of the concepts. That sounds much less difficult than slaving over econ problem sets or trying to understanding the effects of fiscal and monetary policy on international exchange rates and employment levels. Anyway, Psychology still might be the better way to go.</p>