Choosing a major for Berkeley transfer

I am considering going to a CCC and transferring to UC Berkeley. Will it be harder to get in for ME(and do a minor in CS) or get in for EECS? If I did decide to do EECS, would I miss anything by not having attended Berkeley for the first two years? I like both options equally. Thanks!

This link shows UC Transfer GPA by major:

ME admit range: 3.81-4.00 16% admit rate

EECS admit range: 3.91-4.00. 10% admit rate

Neither will be an easy admit so you are going to have to work hard for that almost perfect GPA at any CC. Also do not limit yourself to any one UC and consider TAGing so you have a good backup plan.

Sure, going to a CC for the first 2 years will be a different experience than attending a 4 year university. Coming in as a transfer will give you less time to make friends, getting to know professors and acclimating to UCB in general. However, you will have the UCB name on your degree and a major you preferred to pursue.

Thanks! Have a great day!

Cal has a TAP program which is not a guarantee of admission but is supposed to give a significant boost to chances. The program says is it for underserved students although it doesn’t give the criteria it uses on their web page. If you think you might qualify you should contact them. Webpage is TAP | Center for Educational Partnerships

Interesting, thanks!

does UC berkeley engineering school consider factors like income gender and race??

No UCB is need blind and cannot consider race/ethnicity or gender.