Choosing a MAJOR.

<p>From experience, which degree from which university offer excellent jobs? </p>

<p>Uhhhhhh… That’s not exactly how it works, I’m afraid. You can graduate from an Ivy and not have a job out of college, or come out of community college and get a job. It also depends on what you mean by “excellent.”</p>

<p>I mean ‘high paid jobs’ in terms of excellent. Sorry for not being clear. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>lol. Every major and school combination is different, and its not a binary, more better chance. This is probably the most complex question you could ask that really doesn’t have an answer. It is best to get a feel for the scale and use examples.</p>

<p>And “high paid job” means something different to everyone. Could be a stripper or could be a neurosurgeon. It’s all relative. </p>

<p>You don’t pick a job because it’ll make you money, because you definitely won’t be happy that way. You choose a major by taking classes in something that might interest you and then once you realize you really like it you declare. Don’t go be a doctor or lawyer because you want money.</p>

<p>Lots of them?</p>

<p>Pick a school you like and a major you’re passionate about. You’re more likely to succeed if you’re happy, and if you actually like your major (and you’re good at it). If you have a couple different areas that you’re interested in, then you can consider the job prospects between those, or take classes in both to see what interests you most.</p>

<p>Gah, you guys are amazing. It was a general question and @frugaldoctor‌ if I put this question on this website, obviously I’m not meaning ‘high paid jobs’ in areas of stripper. Lol and I know, I advocate you guys but from experience which major is most likely to receive well-settled ( good place to live in, I know it’s vague but u get the idea) and perhaps more money. There is a reason to this; approximately thousands of students are becoming engineers these days and it’s hard to find a job for them - well it’s true at least in India. So what profession, I should say, is really WANTED by people of America? Any particular field? I’d like to phrase this question like this: what major is most popular and has most benefits, in a good way @frugaldoctor‌, in the states? </p>

<p>A better question would be what FIELDS or CAREERS are popular / in demand: Nursing, Engineering, Health and Allied Health (Medicine, Pharmacy, Physical or Occupational Therapy, etc.), Computer Science and Information Technology, Education, and Business. </p>

<p>Out of these, all except maybe Education might lead to what you’re probably thinking of when you say “high salary” and “benefits” (unless a good benefit for you is getting summers off with a teaching job).</p>

<p>Some of these have actual majors that go with them, like Nursing and CS. For others, you can major in anything you wants, like the health professions, and then pursue higher education, which is why people are reluctant to say that a specific major has better job prospects.</p>

<p>I will still stress that no major will guarantee you a job, and no job will guarantee you a high salary and lots of benefits. I get that job security is important to you, but if you really love a field that’s not “popular,” that does not necessarily mean that you won’t be able to find work in that sector. It will require more networking and creativity, but it can be done.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Anything involving computers is getting big now, and big data is a huge thing now, so Statistics is a great major (in my opinion, because I’m a Stats major).</p>