<p>I am a senior in high school and I am currently trying to chose a major. I originally was going to double major political science and broadcast journalism. I am having doubts though because I've heard many stories about people majoring in political science who are unable to find jobs. Broadcast journalism is very competitive so there's no guarantee there either. Majors I'm also considering are international relations and economics. I dont know though. Like I said I just want to be able to get a well paying job once I graduate. Any suggestions?</p>
<p>Depends on the school. But you can never go wrong with engineering. Economics might not get you an outstanding salary right away, but it has the most potential for salary growth.</p>
<p>No major will get you a high paying job automatically. Sure there’s always demand for this and that, but if you’re not fit for it, you shouldn’t go just because “the jobs are there”. I was an undergrad during the dot-com bubble, everybody wanted to go into computer science and it was the fastest growing department with tons of job fairs giving out lots of free stuff. Already, many were realizing computer science wasn’t quite exactly what they expected it to be, but there were tons of jobs… Until the dot-com bubble burst and the computer science department shrank by half in no time. Many who had just graduated were now competing with those just laid off from their job, who had actual experience, for a much smaller job market with lesser pay and benefits. Of those who did get jobs, in many case they weren’t enjoyable ones, just dead-end ones with no prospect of advancement. Getting a job at the end of college for them was not a reward after all these years of studying, and it’s not really an exciting or happy life, it’s just continuing to exist without being homeless and completely starving.</p>
<p>Really, if you want a job, it’s not about your major, it’s about your connections and how you sell yourself. Study something you like, if you’re unemployed at least you’ll be without a job in a field you like, and you’ll be a more enthusiastic candidate than someone who picked the same major just for the salary of potential employment. You want to study political science and journalism: go ahead, but also get involved in your local politics and broadcast media. Volunteer, talk to people. That’s how you’ll get a job. If you study engineering just for the sake of a job, you’ll spend long hours studying stuff you may not be interested in, will probably have to work hard just to get decent grades (compared to the stellar grades some supersmart classmates who’ve had a passion for engineering since they were little kids), and in the end, if you get a job, all you’ll be happy about is the size of your paycheck, assuming it provides enough for all the stuff you want to buy even if the hours don’t allow you to enjoy it.</p>
<p>I have heard good things about engineering, business (finance), and accounting.</p>
<p>Accounting is a good one.</p>
<p>[Center</a> on Education and the Workforce -](<a href=“http://cew.georgetown.edu/whatsitworth/]Center”>What’s It Worth?: The Economic Value of College Majors - CEW Georgetown)</p>
<p><a href=“http://www9.georgetown.edu/grad/gppi/hpi/cew/pdfs/Unemployment.Final.update1.pdf[/url]”>http://www9.georgetown.edu/grad/gppi/hpi/cew/pdfs/Unemployment.Final.update1.pdf</a></p>
<p>Read these both. If you want to for sure get a job right away, the best job is different than the one with the highest income. You must balance both.</p>
<p>Nursing will always have very good prospects and is always overlooked. And while they don’t make six figures, they can make a pretty nice sum of money.</p>
<p>It takes a very special attitude and interest to pursue nursing, as with any career. You are treated like crap by many doctors, risk infection and diseases from your patients, it’s high-stress and fast-paced. If you’re only interested in nursing for the money, you shouldn’t go into nursing. There are enough of those people out there who over- (or under-) medicate, neglect, and mistreat their patients. You must have a lot of patience, care, and are able to think on your toes (as well as handle blood, disease, and death). Not everyone has these skills, and they generally aren’t things you can learn - if only we could learn to be more patient and care more!</p>
<p>That being said, most careers require putting up with crap from bosses and are high-stress and often fast-paced. So you need to look at what you’re good at, what you’re interested in, and find potentials careers to match that.</p>
<p>You could also be a hospice nurse. That would be a completely different skill set.</p>