My daughter is a theatre major with an emphasis in design. She loves musical theatre but is aware just how competitive it is so went with design because that still feeds her artistic nature. We are trying to let her pursue her dreams especially since most of her college is paid for my scholarships. We would like her to consider choosing a minor that might make her more marketable within the theatre world. Currently she is a worship studies minor but as a sophomore, still has time to change if she does so soon. What minors might help her find one of the elusive theatre jobs? My husband suggested graphic design, marketing or business. She could also choose not to pursue a minor and take more theatre classes listed under another emphasis like production. Thoughts?
I would advise her to take more tech theatre classes or computer design (CAD) or art classes. Any jobs that will be influenced by business-oriented minors will take her away from the stage and into the administrative offices. That’s not where the fun is, lol. Project Management is a useful skill for backstage work too so that’s one business class she might find valuable.
I agree with above. By and large, calling something a major provides you with little to nothing because there are no standards across schools about minors. In contrast, majors usually suggest mastery of a certain knowledge set that is relatively consistent across schools. Not true for minors. So it is better to choose classes that will provide skills that are unusual but valuable for those with the a specific major. So for theatre, I agree that business oriented class or computer design or film could all provide valuable skills. Go for the courses that provide the skill as opposed to being constricted by a “minor” the student can always specify a concentration/specialty on the resume.
Thanks for your input. I had advised her that she might consider just taking some more theatre classes from another emphasis area along with a business class and some multi-media classes or art classes. …anything to make her more well-rounded and skilled in areas needed to be employed in the theatre world. I think some of the graphic design classes would be useful and they include drawing and computer art classes. She just feels like she is set on her direction and making changes is hard. I wish the theatre advisor did more advising.
I would recommend that she check out if there are playwriting or screenwriting classes at her school, being able to write your own work is a very powerful tool.