Choosing a UC

I have been admitted to all the UCs but UCLA and I am having difficulty choosing where I should I attend. I want to go to a school where I can get a high gpa and stand out rather than seeming average. Also I want to be involved in extracurriculars for med school. My major will be along the lines of bio or cellular bio, so I was wondering where I can get a high gpa and stand out the most. I’ve heard that bio at UCI is the most difficult out of all the UCs and there’s a huge Asian population so I do not want to go there because I myself am Indian. Can someone please give me insight on which the best UC for pre meds to do undergrad at,is.

  1. Are all the costs for the UC’s the same?
  2. You must have some preference to location and social/academic fit among the UC’s? Which schools have you visited?
  3. Being a Pre-Med student at any of the UC’s will be competitive period so I would not just eliminate UCI based on the “perceived” difficulty. All the UC’s are fairly diverse and you meet students from all racial and ethnic groups so again I would not eliminate UCI unless you have visited and confirmed for yourself.
  4. Getting a High GPA and being involved in medically related EC’s will be up to you. If you were accepted to all these schools, then these schools feel you can handle their curriculum.
  5. Where do you think you would be most happy to spend the next 4 years? Happy students will be successful students.
  6. What is you backup plan if you are not accepted into Medical school? Which campus do you think would give you the most flexibility in terms of changing majors if you decide to pursue another field of interest?
  7. No one can tell you which school to attend, but based on my experiences as a parent and what I would recommend to my own kids, I would lean towards UC Riverside and UC Davis due to the fact I found these schools more collaborative in general. Also both offer good opportunities for medically related EC’s, flexibility in their course curriculums and good pre-professional advising.