Choosing between the middleish-tier UCs

<p>I’ve already been accepted to UCSB, UCD and UCI, and I’m possibly going to be accepted to UCDS, So give me the pros and cons of:</p>


<p>Please include both pros and cons in your post (sarcastic, “at least it’s a college” comments don’t count); if you only try and sell or whine about a college, I’m not going to even bother taking you seriously.</p>

<p>I’m well aware that there is already a thread on UCI vs UCD, but that one is so full of advertising you’d think the posters worked for the colleges; I want BOTH good AND bad.</p>

<p>Don’t post and tell me to visit the colleges; I do plan to.</p>

<p>BTW I currently live ~3-3.5 hrs away from both Davis and SB, and really far from UCI and SD. Planning to major in chemistry. Just moved to CA over the summer, so I don’t have any close friends.</p>

<p>to start out, VISIT THE COLLEGES! (j/k)</p>

pro - best out of all of 'em (excpet davis and agg. if you plan to major in agg, this thread ought to be closed)
con - social seen. SD is in la jolle, not San diego</p>

pro - agg, football, college town
con - inland, far from places</p>

pro - parties, weather
con - none really except when compared to UCSD acaidemia</p>

pro - close to LA, second in list education wise
con - irvine</p>

<p>elihj I agree with you pros for UCSB
pro- parties, weather, beach, scenery
con- isla vista (it's a slum) cost to live in isla vista 10 people to a house and it still costs $700 per person, lack of quiet to study in isla vista, drug dealer/crime/rape problems in isla vista</p>

<p>Thanks, elihj and Voiceofreason :) Since there's like hundreds of people who lurk but don't post, I'm going to also post what I already came up with, which hopefully helps other people as well. But these are just my personal opinions, so ...</p>

Pros - Safest city in the US, I like bubbles xP
Cons - Requires a car, Quiet typical suburban, Commuter school, far away</p>

Pros - Academics
Cons - Faar away, Commuter-ish school</p>

Pros - Good social, pretty campus, close
Cons - Party school, Small town/city, too much like Santa Cruz, few Asians</p>

Pros - "True" college town, close
Cons - Small city/town, large campus, weather (I'm assuming)</p>

<p>Feel free to contest me on any of these, again these are just my assumptions/observations</p>

<p>btw - you don't have to do all of them, just any that you know well. And include even the little nitpicky stuff xP, not just big-picture.</p>

<p>UCSD is great academically, but the social scene is absolutely dead there. Many of the students are anti-social and way too consumed in their studies. Go to UCSB. Very good academics, great social life, outstanding location.</p>

<p>Go and visit, (hahahahaha)
If you are considering SB the biggest negative is isla vista and the huge party scene. I party, just not 24/7. IMO it gets old. Also SB doesn't have good athletic support from their AD's office. If you are a sports fan you need to know this. Also I just could not picture myself living in the area for four years. It's beautiful and fun while at the same time pretty disgusting. It's up to you to see if it would work for you.</p>

<p>Also as I have stated in posts before UCD has an amazing internship program. It is the largest one in the nation placing over 6000 students a year, and the largest intramural sports program in the country. You need to add D1 football.</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm just waiting for UCLA's decision (my absolute 1st choice) and Berkeley's before I shell out a lot of money and time to visit colleges that I might not (hopefully >.<) even have to worry about considering.</p>

<p>But right now my order is probably something like UCD, UCI then UCSB (I really have no idea where to stick UCSD, don't know too much about it). I'm just hoping to get a more complete view of the colleges.</p>

<p>UCSD is an amazing school but being there caused the daughter of my mom's friend to fall into depression and now she's on meds :( </p>

<p>True story. Being a microbiology major might have contributed, but just sayin'.</p>

<p>edited for grammar because me am write good</p>

<p>UCSD is a 1.5 tier. All the others are clearly below UCSD academcially. Unless you believe Davis is going to be the next flagship. -_-'</p>

<p>I know, that's why I said middleish, besides, for my purposes, it's on the same playing field as the other just because it's so freaking far away and it's supposed to be rather socially dead.</p>

<p>Lol @ cbf88's comment, I think she'll have a hard time with life</p>

<p>Being socially dead is a CHOICE. I choose not to party because my religion says I shouldn't be drunk. My gf would rather have me not meet random girls at parties. If you wanted to, I'm sure you can find parties at UCSB or UCSD or at any freaking UC campus. </p>

<p>There are people depressed everywhere. How socially dead your school is depends on how hard you try to make friends. As long as you're not socially awkward and not hideous looking, there's no reason for you not be able to party every thursday night.</p>

<p>Yes, I know, but I'm rather introverted (what do you have against hideous people >;0) and I'd like to be able to make friends easier rather than harder if I have the choice (and not have to worry about both my grades and meeting people), which is why it's a valid concern of mine. But anyways, partying isn't a big concern for me, but it would be nice for the choice to be available to me.</p>

Being socially dead is a CHOICE. I choose not to party because my religion says I shouldn't be drunk. My gf would rather have me not meet random girls at parties. If you wanted to, I'm sure you can find parties at UCSB or UCSD or at any freaking UC campus.


This is not true when discussing UCSD. The social life their is horrendous. I have a friend at UCSD who is going to transfer for UCSB because the social is so bad. Most students at UCSD keep to themselves and content to study on a Saturday rather than go out (not necessarily party). My friend drives 20 minutes to SDSU because there's almost nothing going on both on and off campus at UCSB. La Jolla is pretty wealthy and the cops are always patrolling around looking to break up the few parties that are occurring off campus. If you want a school with great academics, beautiful weather, no school spirit, a boring surrounding town, and a cold student body then UCSD is the place to be.</p>

<p>Worried Student,</p>

<p>Could it be because they go to a certain school at SD? I visit SD about two times a quarter for the last five quarters I've been to college. I'd go down there on a friday and stay there for the weekend. All the times I've been down there, I've had a great deal of fun. I know friends who'd go down to TJ a couple times a quarter and you can get really hammered there.</p>

<p>My good friend from hs who was a bit socially awkward in hs, though a very nice person, now drinks almost every weekend at SD. Most people I know that go to UCSD are quite happy about their situations. The only complaint I've received is that girls are not good looking. Oh, and the girls say the same about the guys.</p>

Could it be because they go to a certain school at SD?


I'm not sure. I don't remember what college he was at; he's an Economics major. My friend was quite popular in high school and is very into sports. He loves the weather and the beach is close which is a huge plus (he surfs). I actually really liked the campus and the location is great. We went to SDSU to party and I had a great time. La Jolla is an upscale town and is pretty expensive. Not the greatest place for a college student.</p>

The only complaint I've received is that girls are not good looking.


Haha, this is very true, my friend said they call it "triton eye". When I went down to visit him, I noticed that the girls were pretty ugly - even worse than Berkeley.</p>

<p>ranking by SAT: UCSD, UCSB, UCI, UCD
ranking by accept rate: UCSD, UCSB, UCI, UCD
ranking in engineering: UCSD, UCSB, UCI, UCD</p>

<p>Davis has higher rankings over Irvine in ALL engineering disciplines.</p>

<p>Davis has a HUGE engineering department and one of the largest engineering student population in the UC system. Science (bio) and engineering are 2 of UC Davis's strongest and most notable fields. I'm not even sure what UC Irvine is even distinguished for. Their science and engineering programs are decent, but they are nowhere on the same level as Davis. Davis is trying to catch up to UCSD in both science and engineering while UCI is trying to catch up to UCD in both these fields.</p>

<p>Aeronatical engineering:
Davis ranks #22
Irvine ranks #27</p>

<p>Biomedical engineering:
Davis ranks #21
Irvine ranks #39</p>

<p>Chemical engineering:
Davis ranks #27
Irvine ranks #54</p>

<p>Civil Engineering:
Davis ranks #17
Irvine ranks #24</p>

<p>Computer Engineering:
Davis ranks #34
Irvine ranks #34</p>

<p>Electrical Engineering:
Davis ranks #33
Irvine ranks #42</p>

<p>Environmental Engineering:
Davis ranks #13
Irvine ranks #34</p>

<p>Materials Engineering:
Davis ranks #28
Irvine ranks #45</p>

<p>Mechanical Engineering:
Davis ranks #28
Irvine ranks #36
source: US News Premium Online Edition</p>

<p>UC Davis is the 17th best engineering school among public universities in the nation.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks to CE Man for the stats.</p>

<p>how does UCD compare against UCSB in engineering? i only ask since u seem ot have access to usnews</p>

<p>You are the troll socalbmw. Get some real facts before you post.</p>