Choosing Business/Engineering Camps (LBW/LEAD SBI/EFL/BofA/MITES/M&TSI/NASA/etc.)

I’ve been looking into summer programs and am struggling to pick out of the ones I’ve gotten into (gratefully) and to wait for other acceptances. So far, I’ve been accepted into LBW, LEAD SBI, and EFL. I’m waiting on Bank of America, MITES, and M&TSI. Out of the content I’ve read, LBW so far seems like the best option as it is a program fully ran by Penn unlike LEAD SBI which is run by an outside organization that hosts several sessions across a variety of universities, making Penn just the “location” of the camp and not the whole “experience”. EFL is just a week long and didn’t seem too difficult in the admissions process, so I ruled that one out.

I’m also a LaunchX alumn, so I’m looking for new experiences outside the camp I’ve already attended. So, I’ve applied to a few internships at Northrop Grumman and NASA, but have yet to hear responses. I’m still unsure about which to pick if I do get into the other camps/internships that I’m waiting on.

If anyone has experience with any of these summer programs, it would be great if you could help me better understand each and the disads/advantages. Ideas for internships opportunities would help as well!