hey guys! I didn’t find a thread discussing LBW apps for this year, so I decided to start one.
who’s applying? how’s your application (essays!!) coming along?
as for me, I’ve read the previous discussions pretty extensively, mostly out of procrastination, and the camp seems to be an incredible experience (past attendees, I’d love your input). I don’t have a successful business (or a business at all), and I don’t have much of a chance of getting in, but I’m really interested, so I figured I’d give it a shot anyways.
Hey there… I’m applying this year too.
I don’t have a business either or some unusual talent. SAT 1520, TOEFL 110. My extracurricular activities are okay but not outstanding. What about yours? Don’t know if I have a chance either, but applying anyway!
Does anyone know if the main essay should be centered around LEADERSHIP? Or would it be better if it was?
hi! my ECs are pretty subpar relative to previous applicants- in the EC portion I included tutoring, swimming (including extensive coaching), and some experience I had with a business. PSAT 1510, SAT 1550. what about you?
my main essay kind of implies the lead by example philosophy (maybe?) through a meaningful relationship I made while teaching, but it’s not really the whole “I led my non-profit and developed a connection with a top business leader” sort of vibe. not sure what LBW is looking for though- I don’t think they’ve used this essay prompt before.
in regards to the TOEFL, where are you applying from?
I’m applying from Oregon, but I’m originally from China. 
For my ECs, I put an internship with a biomedical company, teaching an Econ seminar, organizing a summer camp and some other volunteer things.
Are you applying for any other summer programs?
oh nice! i’m also applying for LEAD, TASP (noooo chance lol), and a slew of smaller in-state programs. you?
I really wanted to go for LEAD too! But sadly they don’t take international students…
I’m applying for YYGS, a business program at Cornell and maybe one or two more with later ddls if I get rejected by both LBW and YYGS (which is very likely lol…)
Can you help me with the application? On the Julian Krinsky ACTIVE website it says I am not eligible for the camp because I am a junior and it is for seniors only. What did you do in this case? Also best of luck to you!! Your EC’s are better than mine so it’s looking like my chances are pretty slim
@YummyAvocado congrats on first post!! the grade you’re supposed to list is the one you’ll be in for the 18-19 school year, so you’ll be a senior then. good luck to you as well!
hey yall i’m also applying
i have 33 act and 1430 sat. i think my extracurriculars are really good . haven’t written my essays yet but everything else is completed.
Hi Y’all! I am also applying to LBW.
I have completed all my essay which is mostly about leadership. My sat is 1550 and my TOEFL is 113. My ECs are average, not crazy good but sufficient. Good luck to everyone applying!
What other summer programs are you guys applying to BTW? Programs that are related to business or computer science would be in my consideration.
@Sinatrake some other top business camps include M&TSI, LEAD (almost exclusively for URMs), MIT Launch (I think they’re just calling it Launch now?), Endevvr, and probably a whole lot more. In regards to computer science, the USACO training camp is really tops if you can qualify for it, and beyond that, MITES and MOSTEC are great as well. If researching comp sci is more your thing, Clark Scholars and RSI are options too.
hi guys! i’m also thinking about applying to LBW this summer, but i’m unsure about my chance of admission.
i have a 1560 SAT (800 on math) from 2017 and a 34 ACT from 8th grade, and have taken 9 AP’s through junior year. my GPA’s above average, not stellar.
aside from BPA, which i got 2nd in the nation for last year, i don’t really have any business-oriented extracurriculars. i do have a couple other non-business related activities that i’m heavily involved in, though.
wharton’s definitely my dream school, which is why i’m seriously considering LBW for the summer.
based on my above qualifications, should i apply? and if so, how good of a chance do i have at getting into LBW?
thanks in advance!
@krillswims def apply!! i’m not qualified to judge your ECs and all that (though they seem pretty great), but since you have such a strong interest in wharton, you really should go for it- there’s still some time left until the app is due
I am also applying to M&TSI now (just decided today lol), is it more competitive and intense than LBW or they are on the same level? Regarding Lead, does URM means underrepresented minorities? I am an international student but I have heard that LEAD is only for US students. Launch is on my watchlist but I have heard little about them. I would love to learn more about them from you. Thanks for your knowledge!!!
BTW I lived in Seattle for a year in 2015 and I am a Seahawks fan. HaHa
@Sinatrake I’ve heard that M&TSI as a program is more challenging than LBW, but I’m not sure if their admissions are more selective as well. Regarding LEAD, the program seems to be for underrepresented minorities (URM) (you can tell via their program pictures that the camp is usually half white and the other half URM, very few Asians if any), though I wasn’t aware of the domestic stipulation. And then as for Launch, I must confess that I know very little about it since it’s not on my list, but it’s a reaaaally good camp if you’re into entrepreneurship.
If you don’t mind me asking, where are you applying from? And yay Seattle!
@SeattleDreamer Not at all. I am from Guangzhou, China. I will be applying to both LBW and M&TSI as for now. My counselor advises me to apply for one more summer program. And she recommended Stanford Humanities Institute and YYGS. But none of those matches my interests, business and technology. Which one would you choose, or should I just focus on the two programs that I am interested right now?
@Sintrake nice! If you’re not interested in humanities, then I personally wouldn’t recommend dedicating your summer to it. If I were you, I would focus on LBW and M&TSI, but also research and pick out an interesting camp to apply to since both of the Penn camps are pretty selective. Perhaps MITES/MOSTEC/E2 (MIT tech camps) or Launch (entrepreneur camp)?
@SeattleDreamer IDK yet. She said that the Stanford and Yale programs are helpful for applying to Stanford and Yale. I will update my choice as soon as I made it. Thanks a lot! It is a great pleasure talking to you.
P.S. Could you add me on Instagram? my accoung name is sinatrake
@Sinatrake No problem! those camps might help your Why Yale/Stanford supplement because you’ll have experiences related to the school, I guess. If you’re studying business/technology though, it might not be that beneficial to spent significant time studying humanities.
Haha, I actually deleted my Instagram because I never used it… should get back into it sometime.