Choosing Roommates

<p>How do we choose roommates at CC? Is there a survey, or are students assigned randomly? If there is a survey, what is it like?</p>

<p>When I visited in November, my guide told us that they ask a couple of really simple questions on a housing aplication, and that is it. Basically they ask what time you go to sleep normally. I dont know this for sure, it is just what I was told.</p>

<p>D is currently a freshman at CC, and on her housing application she was indeed asked just a few simple questions. At Admitted Students Weekend last spring, we were told that CC puts very little effort into matching up roommates. They don’t ask many questions because they don’t want students to assume they’ll be placed with a “good match.”</p>

<p>However, there do seem to be opportunities to switch rooms/roommates if you end up in an unhappy situation.</p>

<p>Well, the selection is pretty random. However, CC gives you the option to move out quiet easily. It’s a piece of cake to move out if things aren’t working out or if you’re in a double and find you don’t really want a roommate.</p>