choosing schools for undergraduate study

<p>I am a freshman at a four year college but I am transfering to a new school for my sophomore year. I am trying to choose between the University of New Hampshire and the University of Maryland-college park. I know that umd is much more reputable and etc. But I am trying to run xc/track and field and because of roster limits I do not think that is an option at Maryland. </p>

<p>My question is this: By attending unh instead of umd will I be hurting my chances of getting into a good law school by a lot? Would a 3.5 at unh and maryland be looked at as the same or worlds apart from the eyes of a law school admissions officer. I am also planning on attending law school on the west coast.</p>

<p>Makes no difference. If there’s one recommendation I would make, it would be to go somewhere where you can get instate tuition. Also you should aim for higher than a 3.5.</p>

<p>For the goal of law school (which is a narrow goal) then go to the place where you will be able to enjoy the most and subsequently do the best at.</p>