<p>I have just recived my ssat scores and am quite pleased to see me verbal go up to 85. I still wish to raise math from an 88 (considering I get A's in honors at a prestigious schools near boaston), but what really concerns me is my reading comp score. I took the upper level (yes upper level) last year in seventh and recived a 92% on reading comp. I usually do quite well on reading comp, but on this ssat i got a 77%. I am going to retake the test, but will I be able to choose which scores get sent to the schools I am applying to? is verbal-85 math-88 and reading comp-77 total-88 good enough for schools such as Milton? I have all 1 A, 3 A-, and 1 B+. Interviews went quite well, my ECs are quality over quantity. Drums for 7 years. Jazz and rock. Play in a jazz combo at new england conservatory. Sculpting for 3 years at MFA. Skiing, 8 years, running x-country, Tech crew for plays, and I helped out at concerts. Is this good enough for Milton, and the surrounding day schools that are just as compettitive?</p>