chuck norris or vanilla ice?

<p>mm. decisions decisions. whose your favorite non intentionally funny person</p>

<p>Well I'd say my favorite non intentionally unfunny person is you. Esquared I think you've found your soul mate here.</p>

<p>why do u guys like chuck norris so much? he is such a joke.</p>

<p>Can you please stop posting trash? It seems like every single thread usually starts out very good and informative but then is filled with worthless posts that usually end the thread. It seems as though there are only a couple of people who do this...why don't you guys post on another forum or chat with each other instead of wasting space in CC? I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but it has become very annoying. You guys post good stuff occasionally, which is appreciated, but please refrain from creating discussions on "chuck norris or vanilla ice" or a "who thinks I'll get into UChicago" that has no information in it.</p>

<p>nonintentionally unfunny, say what? that's too complicated for me.</p>

<p>Personally, I think threads like this are absolutely fantastic in getting to know other prospective students. Right now, everybody is so worried about college that topics related to ANYTHING but our future prospects help to alleviate that stress. Discussing irrelevant and pointless subject matters gets us to think of other things, while getting to know other students in the same situation, something another forum could not do. </p>

<p>Look at other university forums, they're doing the very same thing. For some reason this forum has an abundant of ass hole and a whole lot of prick. </p>

<p>For christ sake, loosen up a bit and let people express themselves in different ways......the topic of this thread is right there in bold, no one is making you read our mindless garbage. As far as space goes, come on....there is an unlimited amount. But if we want to go there, I think you should stop wasting fun space with your negative, moody, entirely too serious tone.</p>

<p>has anyone here seen the young chuck norris video on snl?
it's classic. if anyone is in a nonserious/non suicidal mood, not thinking about deep things like god and stuff, here's the site:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The best "nonintentionally" funny one, otherwise known as unintentionally (I'm really just joking around), would be Vanilla Ice... But it's a close one. </p>

<p>Who's the funniest (unintentional) rapper?
1. Chingy
2. Nelly
3. 50 Cent
4. Eminem
5. Lil (fill in the blank)

<p>Hahahahah-- Chingy is hilarious. My friend and I actually have contests to see who can listen the longest without complaining or taking the earphone out. </p>

<p>I honestly don't see the problem with these threads. If you don't like it, don't participate. I see nothing offensive about this thread and the title did not trick you into thinking it would be an informational thread.</p>

<p>Posting a thread with the subject "nah nah nah nah boo boo you can't catch me" is absolutely fantastic? I agree that getting to know your potential classmates is a great thing, but at the cost of damaging a very informative forum? There are also other ways you can find out about others besides threads like "who thinks i'll get into uchicago", which is almost nothing more than a conversation between you two. I understand threads like "most heavily used word", but some it gets frustrating when a good thread dies out because of some unrelated posts.</p>

<p>I understand you guys are "worried about college" and would rather talk about "ANYTHING but (your) future prospects" to "help alleviate that stress", but the forum is called College's for colleges. Perhaps other forums would be better, or maybe the 'College Confidential Cafe'. How about one thread dedicated to relieving your stress and talking about anything besides colleges? Perhaps after creating such a thread you could see the interested members and create an IRC channel or just go to a chatroom?</p>

<p>I'm sorry if I seem like an "ass hole" or a "prick", I really don't mean to start a 10 page thread arguing with you guys. I just feel that most people come to these forums for information and you guys are getting in the way of a better experience. </p>

<p>It's not that you created one thread or made one post and I sent emails to the moderators and started a vote or said you guys should be banned or anything, I don't see how I'm exaggerating either. I'm all for you expressing yourself but I think that the aim of the UChicago forum in CC is generally to inform people about every aspect of UChicago and education. I'm not saying this should be the only focus, but I do believe the focus is starting to be more toward random posts that don't mean anything. </p>

<p>Obviously no one made me read this topic, but discussions like these often carry on into 'real' topics that I am interested in and kill them, so to speak. I didn't mean that you were wasting server space and you shouldn't do that...I mean that such threads are wasting space on my screen. </p>

<p>I'm sorry for I sound negative or too serious...but I don't consider this forum to be my primary source of entertainment and I don't think you should too. I'm not saying there isn't room for any humor; I'd actually appreciate humor if I found any in these threads. I suggest Something Awful forums for you guys. It seems like the type of place you guys would like (and I don't mean that in a bad way, I go there more often than I go to CC).</p>

<p>It's not that I found this particular thread offensive or tricky. I just didn't want to say that on another thread that had a 'better' purpose.</p>

<p>"why do u guys like chuck norris so much? he is such a joke."</p>

<p>for all that is holy you better pray he doesn't see that!</p>

<p>lol the only reason people don't like UChicago is because of humorless people like Jacknjil. Lighten up, who cares? I mean its not like this thread is bursting full of new important information. The UChicago thread is extremely slow. I think we can enjoy a joke once in a while. This thread is a forum for expressing our thoughts and this just happens to be what we are thinking about right now. Besides, It seems you are the one "wasting space" by not simply answering the question, or adding something new except for pointless criticism. I do agree though, the OP should have posted in the Cafe where people would actually care instead of posting on a thread where people as mundane as jacknjil would respond. Still, I'm sorry if this post is wasting valuble screen space, I know how great a hassle it is to scroll down. After all, I don't want to distract you from your "Will this Gpa get me into UChicago" or "Is my 2390 good enough?" threads. Enjoy coming up with a witty response too this post. Too bad I will probobly never read it. I came to the UChicago thread for the first time in months and this has been a major turn off for me. Good bye.</p>

<p>Btw: Chuck Norris is more popular now, but Vannila Ice jokes were just as fun back in the day.</p>

<p>Sorry to see you leave. I don't think I'm being clear...I don't find anything wrong with humor, but when there are posts in other educational threads I get annoyed and I just wanted to say that. </p>

<p>You learn something everyday. Appereantally I'm mundane, an ass hole, and a prick. </p>

<p>I still think there should be less threads like this, and these topics should go to the CCCafe or another forum. Go and be a Goon at SA, or visit <a href=""&gt;;/a> , which is a great site. I just don't think this forum is that multi-purpose-y. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Will you love me if I said something like "Chuck Norris' semen cures cancer. Too bad he has AIDS" ?</p>

<p>Of course it isn't my primary source of entertainment, but unlike a lot of people I don't seperate what I do for fun and what I do for work or information. I try to find entertainment anywhere, even if that means fabricating pointless threads for humor-sake.</p>

<p>And shark_bite is a perfect example of what other people in CC think of the UChicago forum. "This is where fun comes to die" and with good reason. Stop defending this horrible axiom with your anti-GoodFun hate. The University of Pennsylvania has the "Procastination Station" and "The Random Comment Thread" which have developed into literally hundreds of pages of kids destressing by talking about nothing. Check it out, maybe witnessing happiness and good company will help remove the stick from your ass. </p>

<p>You're just maintaining that unecessary UChicago stereotype of humorlessness and steadfast pretentiousness.</p>

<p>i think chuck norris would kick jacknjill's ass</p>

<p>Will you love me if I said something like "Chuck Norris' semen cures cancer. Too bad he has AIDS" ?</p>


<p>FACT: Before the bogey man goes to bed he checks his closet for chuck Norris.</p>

<p>I would encourage you to find a fun side of everything you do, but not what you are doing gets in the way of useful information. I would much prefer you to create pointless threads than mess up threads that are actually going somewhere. </p>

<p>I am not a UChicago student, I even have yet to apply (transfer deadline (regular) is April 1st)), so I don't see how I would represent UChicago in any way besides being a student that is very much interested with the university. We all have different definitions of "fun", and mine doesn't include reading most of your posts (not that that means anything). </p>

<p>Wouldn't me having anti-GoodFun Hate mean that I am for 'fun'? I don't get it. </p>

<p>The procrastination station and the random comment thread are I think good ideas, as opposed to scattered 'random comments' that don't mean anything. What's wrong with them? Yes they may have developed into hundreds of pages about nothing, but isn't that what you are defending? I'm not opposed to the general idea of such posts or threads, rather I would rather see them all in a more organized fashion instead of them infesting good threads. It just seems like a need for attention. </p>

<p>Maybe if you try insulting me more I'll stop. Just maybe.</p>

<p>Again, I'm not even a UChicago student. What kind of UChicago stereotype do you think you are promoting with most of your posts? I don't see how I am pretentious, but ok.</p>

<p>Chuck Norris' iPod has "Princess" written in Swarofsky crystals on it.</p>

<p>That's beautiful.</p>

<p>i guess we better start speaking in stars before we start getting pounced on by jacknjill...hmm, i suspect somebody had a visit from aunt flow?</p>

<p>what do you mean by "pointless threads" anyway? the point was made in the question asked before you got all "grr grr mer kibby" we're just trying to have a little bit of fun. you know people who laugh more live longer? it's good for you. see, ha-ha-ha. so put a smile on your face and make the world a better place.</p>