if i have an american passport and one from another asian country (dual citizenship), do i count as an american or an asian when my application goes through?
Based on your other posts, you would be an American applicant living abroad. Which for admissions purposes is the same as American. The “living abroad” part is for those schools who categorize which countries applicants are applying from.
@skieurope ooh, so would that mean that when looking at ssat scores, i would be compared against the US local pool rather than against the international applicants?
Well, I’m of the opinion that the “standard” for SSAT scores applies to all applicants. International applicants do not get a pass because their native language is not English, nor should one assume that all international applicants have higher than average scores. Scores are but one part of the total package.
But since many of the top schools limit the percentage of international applicants, you would be competing in the less competitive (relatively speaking) domestic pool.
On the flip side, you are ORM, which is an anti-hook for any applicant, whether US or international.