I’m currently 15, and I’m dual-enrolling for a bunch of classes this semester. I have a microbiology class at 6, and I have to walk from the library to the building with the class a few streets down when it’s time to go to the class. When it’s winter it will be pretty dark, and even though it’s not a big city or anything (Lowell MA) I’m pretty nervous about walking over. Does anyone have any suggestions or anything to help me feel less nervous?
There will be others walking to the same class/building. Look for friends now while it is light out.
Many campuses offer security escort service to students when they are travelling between buildings. I used to (way back in the day) request an escort from my campus job to the business office building to drop off our cash register funds after dark. You might want to check with your security office to see if that offer that service to students, just in case you are the only one heading to class from that direction.
Does the school offer a shuttle bus? The security escort service sounds good too.
You are right not to want to walk alone at night. Find a peer or two to walk with. If you can’t find anyone then see if your school has campus escorts or other systems for keeping students safe at night.