Civil engineer help

<p>Hi, im about apply for early decision, and i need help</p>

<p>Im going to major civil engineering</p>

<p>act 32~33</p>

<p>i have 4.0/4.0 gpa, valedictorian.</p>

<p>i took ap calc ab (4), ap physics b(4), ap us history(5)</p>

<p>and am taking ap chem and ap stat right now.( i took all ap courses provided my school except for ap bio)</p>

<p>i am varsity tennis player, junior leader of my church's youth group, band member, and tutored.</p>

<p>that is all ec that i have.</p>

<p>also, im international, (korean)</p>

<p>i just took toefl today, and already paid money for sat2 (math2c, physics)

<p>I looked up US news ranking in civil eng, and decided to apply for UIUC and cornell for</p>

<p>early. </p>

<p>is prestige more important in undergrad? i realize that ranking is very important for grad, but how about under?</p>

<p>also, is getting FA as international that slim?</p>

<p>how about LAC? such as Rose hulman?</p>

<p>Ranking matters a lot less than most people think. As long as you go to a decent school you’re not going to be disadvantaged in getting a job. I would say the geographical location of the school is more important than ranking; companies frequently recruit more heavily from local schools.</p>

<p>Rankings are also not important for graduate school. What is important is that the school you are interested in is doing good research in the field you are interested in. If University of Nowhere is the world’s foremost expert in a certain field and MIT hardly gives it a second glance, it’s going to be better to go to the unheard of school.</p>

<p>Rose Hulman is NOT a LAC.</p>