<p>Hi, im about apply for early decision, and i need help</p>
<p>Im going to major civil engineering</p>
<p>act 32~33</p>
<p>i have 4.0/4.0 gpa, valedictorian.</p>
<p>i took ap calc ab (4), ap physics b(4), ap us history(5)</p>
<p>and am taking ap chem and ap stat right now.( i took all ap courses provided my school except for ap bio)</p>
<p>i am varsity tennis player, junior leader of my church's youth group, band member, and tutored.</p>
<p>that is all ec that i have.</p>
<p>also, im international, (korean)</p>
<p>i just took toefl today, and already paid money for sat2 (math2c, physics)
<p>I looked up US news ranking in civil eng, and decided to apply for UIUC and cornell for</p>
<p>early. </p>
<p>is prestige more important in undergrad? i realize that ranking is very important for grad, but how about under?</p>
<p>also, is getting FA as international that slim?</p>
<p>how about LAC? such as Rose hulman?</p>