Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

<p>Clam fart should be a new verb.</p>

<p>v. getting into top-notch post-secondary institutions despite having made a terrible mistake in college applications.
Example - I glad that I clam-farted in Princeton! Didn't that girl across the hallway clam-fart her way through Wharton?</p>

<p>mrclassicfreak, LOL!!! Now I can laugh about these things because I'm not so stressed anymore!!!! :)</p>

<p>Good job, old chap.</p>

<p>this is the most amazing thing ever.</p>

<p>SillBill is my hero. Done.</p>

<p>That's the most amazing thing ever...</p>

<p>clam farting pays off ;)</p>

<p>Can clams actually fart?</p>

<p>Does anyone want to research on that?</p>

<p>I bet you got in because they thought you did that on purpose.
and if you did (which you didn't), why did you?
They must have reasoned you were a gutty person who is willing to lose it all because you would rather stand out then the usual play it safe.
It showed originality, and while it was little it was unusual and made you stand out...when the admission officers hear "clam fart" there is no doubt in my mind that your application will pop into their minds.
Because you could have been putting it on the line just over a couple of words, they saw that...respected your guts and the copy test scores of everyone who applied...and said 'hey this kid is smart, he made himself stand out...we want him over Jim who applied like every other bimbo with the same old boring crap like 'I played tennis' and 'I served community service'. and they accepted you.
so congrats I do think your mistake got you in...and I do not mean this in a bad way, I actually think their is a moral in this...I think if you had made a typo like 'boook instead of book' you would have not been admitted...who knows though...</p>

<p>Maybe I should try Muscle Barfing when I apply for grad school</p>

<p>late reader of this thread, but congrats!!!!! I think your "explanation" of clam-farting definitely got you points, it was so formal-sounding, lmao!</p>

<p>Tell this story to everyone at Yale, SERIOUSLY :)</p>

<p>I bet some 23-year-old Yale graduate was reading your application at 4:30 PM and was hopelessly bored by the thousands of run-of-the-mill debate team champions who clog the desks of admissions officers each year.</p>

<p>When this bored graduate got to your application, he/she looked at your surely impressive essays/test scores/transcript, but then he/she got to your extracurriculars, saw the CLAMFART, and laughed hysterically for fifteen minutes. After the officer had regained their composure (somewhat), he/she wrote in big red letters across the top of your application (nevermind that you applied online) "ACCEPTED!"</p>

<p>I don't bother to read thru everything.. did he actually call to explain the mistake?</p>

<p>LOL. yeah, call the admissions office and explain the mistake. they better understand.</p>

<p>Oh man. This thread was hilarious!
Great job SillBill, you rock!
I'm really interested in reading your complete apps to see if you made any other funny booboos. post/msg them, dooooooo it. :)</p>

<p>Well you could tell your kids you didn't get into yale because you had a problem with clam farting. hahaha. i'm so sorry, i feel bad for you, but that is sooo funny.</p>

<p>^^ Oh, but (s)he DID get in!!</p>

<p>Wow, just wow!!!</p>

<p>I'm late on this, but congratulations!!!! I'm so glad you got in!!!</p>

<p>Simply astounding.</p>