Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

<p>lol, thanks again everyone!!!!! I'm not telling anyone that I did that though, once I'm there (if I decide to go.... which I'm 99.99999999% sure I will)!!!</p>

I think the most serious issue here is the perceived lying that you have been involved in clam fart for 17 years. That kind of lying gets even those granted admission rescinded.


<p>SillBill: Quoting myself here from the first page: I am going to report to Yale that you embellished your credentials, that you've never actually been involved in clam fart at all, not even for a day. That 0.11111111111% chance is going to get a lot bigger.</p>

<p>This is an awesome story. I'd love to find out that it was down to you and some other spectacularly qualified candidate and that this got you the spot.</p>

<p>um that is why admissions to hyps is a crapshoot.</p>

<p>You are my hero</p>

<p>Do Not Let This Thread Die!! Omg I Just Think I Peed A Little From Laughing!!!!!!!!! Lolololololllllllllll!!!!!</p>

um that is why admissions to hyps is a crapshoot.


<p>Crapshoot is luck. Doesn't this prove that it's not a crapshoot?</p>

<p>I don't think that I was accepted BECAUSE of the clam fart... I think I was accepted in spite of it. Maybe they missed it?? I think that my research projects (one of which was published) probably outweighed any harm the clam fart did. Then again, you never know. Yale adcoms may have been sitting there before they started reading applications going, "You know, I really think we need a clam farter this year...." and lo and behold, along I come! :) And with 17 years of it no less!</p>

<p>I think you are the Comic Relief admit for this year's class. ;)</p>

<p>Really, you are my hero :D</p>

<p>Lol .........</p>

<p>Maybe they don't even read applications</p>

<p>clam fart, maybe i should write that for mine</p>

<p>This is the best thread on CC. I have never laughed for such a long period of time, but after reading every one of the 15 pages this thread occupies I have to say that everyone should read this. Also, I think that this has to be the best story for freshmen orientation at Yale EVER! You should soooo tell it!</p>

<p>in before someone says how it's good because it will show your lighthearted personality.</p>

<p>Wait, no I read to the bottom of the first page and im too late.</p>

<p>You have paved the way for countless HYPS hopefuls. I commend you. (of course, next year, everyone will be doing this and it will just be plain annoying for adcoms =P)</p>

<p>This thread cannot be left out to die. :)</p>

<p>just saw this thread after seeing a reference in another thread, hilarious, and congrats sillbill. you'll be a legend here from now on.</p>

<p>Lol! I'm very late on this..but WOW! Amazing...</p>


<p>Haha. Awesome.</p>

<p>can you prove to us that you aren't a troll? i would really like to laugh at this</p>