Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!



<p>nice SillBill. You oughtta ask the Adcom if they noticed it, and what they thought of it.</p>

<p>Oh my god...</p>

<p>Did they write a comment about it on your acceptance letter?!?<br>
Next year, thousands of CCers will become clam farters, too... :)
I just re-read this thread and the tears are running down my face...</p>

<p>P.S. My son who wrote that his father is a "faceless bureaucrat" got the full merit ride and stipend from the school that received that application.</p>

<p>I think this is the start of a trend -- make the adcoms laugh!!</p>

<p>Holy... my bad for all that disbelief. I was just so anxious to find out how you did and you ditched us all... DUDE! THAT'S FRKN AWESOME!!!</p>

<p>I should have written Clam Farts on MY applications...</p>

<p>YAY, SillBill!!! I can't say how happy I am for you! :D Let's have a clam fart party!</p>

<p>haha... congrats, SillBill!</p>

<p>WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! Atta boy SillBill!!!</p>

<p>congrats sillbill! what were your stats?</p>

<p>Yea!!!! Congrats SillBill....see we told ya it was no big deal! And now you have your collegiate nickname! Awesome!</p>

<p>Yeah, what are you stats, by the way?</p>


<p>I'm definitely putting clam fart in my app this fall.</p>

<p>I think you've found a new hook to put in those college admissions books.</p>

<p>amen to that brother!</p>

<p>lmao.. late reader of this post...</p>

<p>greatest first post '08.</p>

<p>congratulations on getting in for clam farting! :D</p>

<p>Thanks guys! :)</p>

<p>hells yeah! congrats.</p>

<p>Wow, you are amazing! Congrats!!!</p>

<p>Great story I wonder if they found this thread on google.</p>

<p>Sillbill-you are my hero, clam farts and all. :D</p>