Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

<p>I cannot resist to add my input to this historic CC event. So congrats!!</p>

<p>While I'm sure your clam farting skills proved to be a valued asset to the Yale community, I'm sure it was the rest of your application and hard work that produced a wonderful acceptance letter. :)</p>

<p>oh. my. god. thats hilarious! although i'm sure not its so funny for you... i guess its probably best to leave it be and hope they glance over it and if anything comes up say its the name of the [insert type of group here -- maybe theatre?] group you belong to or something haha</p>

<p>Wow congrats SillBill. This is by far my most favorite thread on CC!!!!! This is a great example that personality is just as important in admissions decision-making!</p>

<p>I'm still giggling from reading this post.</p>

1 Like

<p>still funny.....</p>

<p>hahaha seriously?</p>

<p>aww congrats!! i am DEFF doing something similar when i apply :)</p>

<p>I just found this thread...I've lol'd through all 16 pages of it. :)</p>

<p>lol, that was funny.</p>

<p>for everyone who is in the midst of applications heres a little escape for you</p>

<p>haha man u never know where clam fart would take u</p>

<p>haha man u never know where clam fart would take u</p>

<p>Hilarious. I really really hope you get in hahaha</p>

<p>this happened last year. he did get in</p>

<p>Oh goodness you're right haha, don't I feel like a complete idiot....</p>

<p>haha, SillBill DID get in =D (on like page 11)</p>

<p>which kinda goes to show you...hmm...I'm not sure what the moral of this story is, kids. :)</p>

<p>shows that we really shouldnt be stressing out as much as we might be.
But i love how this keeps on being brought back from the dead...haha</p>

<p>^ It's just too funny! XDD I bet even 5 years from now, this thread will continue to be pulled out for everyone to have a laugh at.</p>

<p>oh my goodness! that is so funny! i don't think i've ever laughed this hard for a thread before!</p>


<p>This thread is THE BEST! Thank you for keeping it going - should be in every GC office for stressed out seniors to read. HA!!</p>