Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

<p>If anything they'll be glad to see you can have fun and kid around. BTW, that's freakin awesome.</p>


<p>for those of you who say the OP is a troll...come could a troll make up something like CLAM FART??

i randomly came across this and i just about died laughing.

<p>and CONGRATS on yale!</p>

<p>This thread is GREAT. haha, totally made my day!</p>

<p>Regardless, I think all of us are rooting for you to get admitted. Best of luck, and make sure to tell us if you get admitted!</p>

<p>Umm, he did get admitted, around post 14 or so....</p>

<p>I495 this was from last year's applicants... he was admitted on page 11</p>

<p>this guy was admitted? makes me feel like i can breathe.</p>

<p>CONGRATS (although I'm like a year late) and THANK YOU SO MUCH! I came across this last night while falling into depression over how exceedingly exceptional all the other CCers looked. And then there was clam fart. All I can say is it's a good thing I peed just before reading this thread.</p>

<p>I remember seeing this thread a while ago and I wondered if you ever got in. Congrats on getting admitted with your experience of clam farting!</p>

<p>Digg</a> - Yale App EC:Clam Fart</p>

<p>This kid does seem like he just trolled everyone last year. A little s/s of his application on commonapp would have settled any doubts but instead this "applicant" repeats "I wrote clam fart" in all of his posts and reproves every person who told him off for it. What exactly was he expecting? Everyone to feel sorry for him? </p>

<p>Going through all of his posts a second time makes you realize how immature the "applicant" was. Doesn't sound like an 18 y/o who is attending Yale right now. (His latest posts don't mention Yale at all.)</p>

<p>Congratulations to anyone who read this and thought OP was telling the truth.</p>

<p>troll or not, this was a good read. if you got in, congrats. if you made this up, congrats -- it was a super funny thread.</p>

<p>well it's back to waiting for EDs.</p>

<p>for all who are waitign to hear ED heres something to read to pass the time</p>

<p>i was irrationally tempted to write something along the lines of clam fart on my application...</p>

<p>Troll or not this improved my mood exponentially.</p>

<p>Totally hilarious haha</p>

<p>Someone should put "World champion clam farter" under awards :D</p>

<p>This thread totally made me forget about college mania for awhile!

<p>Calling the admissions office sorts everything, I've realized... Try it?</p>

<p>lolll nice</p>

<p>hahahha dude its alright, i accidentally left the word "BALLS" in one of my essays, for a school i'm very interersted in.. I sure hope they dont read essays</p>

<p>but lmao dude all we can do now is laugh at ourselves</p>

<p>Again, for those who came a lil late to the whole thing, he got in!</p>