Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

<p>It would be exponentially more funny if this was just an elaborate fake.</p>

<p>I thought the Number 2 thread was funnier.</p>

<p>I think I should make a clever typo like this one on my Apps in two years</p>

<p>funny stuff, clam farting, feeling like dildo... what's next?</p>

<p>LOLLL He got in?! Man, this is the best thing I've ever heard. Best CC post I've read in a loooooong time.</p>

<p>best cc thread ever :D </p>

<p>sorry for bumping, but guys, take a look: Urban</a> Dictionary: Clam Fart
now clam fart is in the urban dictionary :D</p>

<p>Lmfao elvy!!!!</p>

<p>Lol @ Elvy. This is an epic thread. I also like the definition of of CC on urban as well :Urban</a> Dictionary: college confidential it made me lol for a sec.</p>

<p>This thread is almost poetic. I wonder what type of farting activity one would need to engage in to be admitted to Harvard...</p>

<p>LOL! This thread is freakin’ classic!!! The OP officially rocks in my book. Super congrats on Yale. I wonder if future applicants will pull a clam fart in their applications hahahahaha.</p>

<p>haha did you already submit? cuz if not and youre using common app you can edit…
LOL but if you didnt-hahaha</p>

<p>i just laughed so hard i almost threw up. much thanks to whoever resurrected this.</p>

<p>Oh my gosh…this is HILARIOUS!!! LOL!!</p>

<p>I read this whole thread again, all 19 or so pages, and was literally CRYING from like the 3rd post I read.</p>

<p>I was giggling (silently since it’s nearly 3 AM) throughout the first five pages. :'D</p>

<p>CLAM FART!!!</p>

<p>LOLOLOLOLOL?>… AMZING<>.,… you must trademark the phrase, PLS… amzing…lol
the best post on CC so far… it even beats Xiggi!!</p>

<p>Yale luvs Clam Farters.!!!..lolol</p>

<p>I was watching “The Deadliest Catch” last night, and Capt. Phil of the Cornelia Marie said that he was looking for bubbles in the water because they were “crab farts.” That’s the closest I’ve ever come to hearing “clam fart” used as a real thing! HAHAH!!!</p>

<p>Time to bring this back to the top, as fresh applicants strive to find new and interesting essay topics. SillBill, I hope you’ll visit this thread and tell us how life is treating you.</p>

<p>haha, you cannot be serious.</p>

<p>did you get in?</p>

<p>yes, they did (:</p>

<p>LOL clam fart. i loveee that</p>