Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

<p>If you decide to withdraw it, then you actually have to own up to the Yale adcoms about your mistake. Plus, you'll never know if you'd have made it or not. If you withdraw, you don't get in, which has the same basic meaning as being rejected. If you keep it in there's the same chance, but then also the chance of actually being accepted.</p>

<p>On another note, my Yale app was BORING. At least yours has some personality to it!</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

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<p>I had a pretty stupid typo on my Yale app last year...I was showing a curious underclassman my application after I had sent it in, and realized that I had made a very obvious, very dumb mistake...he laughed pretty hard at me. But things turned out alright anyway! You'll be fine :-)</p>

<p>-Y '11</p>

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<p>"I had a pretty stupid typo on my Yale app last year...I was showing a curious underclassman my application after I had sent it in, and realized that I had made a very obvious, very dumb mistake...he laughed pretty hard at me. But things turned out alright anyway! You'll be fine :-)"</p>

<p>Thanks, what was your mistake if you don't mind me asking?</p>

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<p>Oh wow. I can't stop giggling now. Honestly? Don't worry about it, if you can help it. A college application should show your personality. This obviously shows yours. As long as the rest of your application shows that you are a dedicated student and a leader, you have the same chance (maybe better than some!) as many others applying. </p>

<p>Power to the Clam Fart, class of 2012!</p>

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<p>Its the 17 years part that kills me...Please post if you get in, I hope you do!!!</p>

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<p>Also everyone on this thread likes you...Just by one statement. I'm sure the admins will feel the same way as they're killing themselves with laughter while passing your app. around.</p>

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<p>i have a very strong feeling that in a week, the OP would be like "OMG! I got in!! I guess they didn't hate me after all."</p>


<p>lol, the admissions officers will love it so much that they'll want to share it with the financial aid office, the graduate office, university alums. They'll even share it with their friends and family. </p>

<p>"Hey, honey, I was at work today, and everybody was laughing about this really funny joke on an application." </p>

<p>It'll end up as a joke on Reader's Digest, lol.</p>

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<p>I don't think the adcom will hold it against you if you're a brilliant student. But a good laugh wont help you get in if the rest of your application is weak; in fact, the adcom might take it to be a gimmick.</p>

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<p>SillBill, I really hope that you didn't withdraw your application. If Yale doesn't accept you after that, then you wouldn't have wanted to go there, anyway.</p>

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<p>SillBill, did you end up contacting the admissions office?</p>

<p>Ugh, too funny! You have to tell us if you get in!!</p>

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<p>"SillBill, did you end up contacting the admissions office?"</p>

<p>No, I was too mortified to call them and have to explain myself. I guess I'll just have to wait until April 1st and see if they wrote anything in my rejection letter like, "Although your application was different and amusing, we found it to be unprofessional and disrespectful." <em>sigh</em></p>

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<p>I wanna know how this turns out. Good luck to ya SillBill.</p>

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First of all, although as a fellow college applicant I fully understand and appreciate the dark and troubled place you are in right now (I sent my test scores a few days late, went through about a day of near-insanity. Turned out to be fine...), I must say that I just laughed so hard it actually hurt.</p>

<p>Now, I'm not trying to make your situation out to be lighthearted and amusing. I am merely pointing out that you have amused (and gained the support of) many highly distinguished applicants (myself included) by telling your story. I wish you the best of luck, and I can offer you this reassurance: assuming your other qualifications are consistent with the average Yale admit, I think the admissions committee will take this well. They are human beings too, and although I'm speculating, I think they will enjoy a good laugh. If contacted, there is no doubt that you need to tell the truth. Whether you should contact them now, I can't say. But any academic institution, whether it be an Ivy League or a lowly community college, is not worth attending if they are willing to reject such a unique and dedicated clam farter as yourself. Again, I wish you the best of luck. Although it is a completely personal matter, I think everyone will be dying to know whether or not you got in, if you should choose to inform us.</p>

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<p>i hella hope you get in bro.</p>

<p>make sure to post when you get word on their decision.</p>

<p>Thanks, just a few more days...</p>

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<p>At my information session at Yale I got the feeling that the admissions officers were pretty cool people, so they might just get enough of a kick out of clam farting that they'll accept you.</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK!!!!</p>

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<p>Hey, I'm still waiting to hear from ya! Good luck!!!</p>

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<p>Good Luck !! :)</p>

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