Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!


<p>Good luck! With any luck they might have even googled it and seen this thread :D</p>

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<p>probably the funniest thing i have read on CC</p>

<p>Write them a really, really formal apology. It would be a funny follow-up..</p>

<p>Know what I bet will happen? The Yale adcoms will think, "hmm, what's a clam fart?" then Google it, stumble upon this thread (since it's the first response to the "clam fart" query) and figure out your CC identity. Then they'll look through all your chances threads and dumb Cafe responses! HAH! SillBill, good luck.</p>

<p>hahaha this is funny. and got my mind off tomorrow.</p>

<p>When people on here say good luck they actually mean. "I would never do something so dumb and i'm glad that's not me."
So good luck.

<p>did you get in!?!??!</p>

<p>I'm also curious.</p>

<p>We're rooting for you, clamfart!</p>

<p>Oh my friggin God.</p>

<p>Yay Clamfart!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>wait, so sillbill you got in?</p>


<p>did you get in???</p>

<p>aaaahhh, you can't leave us hanging here!</p>

<p>dinos, clamfart... que paso?</p>

<p>please share! We all admire your courage in enduring this, and would love to celebrate/mourn with you!</p>

<p>I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. You'll probably get a full ride because those doing the reviews are so sick of the same old, same old....... "I have perfect SAT's" and "I'm really smart so you should admit me". After awhile all of the applicants look the same, and then along comes "clam farts".</p>

<p>A college app is a huge probably shouldn't have been filling it out while joking around with yours friends, if you're that serious about Yale. Good luck though...</p>