Clarkson Class of 2024

Starting a 2024 thread. S applied RD for civil engineering.

S applied for mechanical.

Is there an application status portal? Can’t seem to find one on their site.

Common app says the student will receive an email with information on how to set up an account.

My niece was a mech major who graduated in 2018, as was her boyfriend. We know several grads as well as a current student (one of my d’s best friends). They all speak very highly of the school. It’s not my son’s top choice, but we would be more than happy to see him go here!

btw, here is the portal

Has anyone else received a call for an interview? DS was called last night and is doing a local interview next week. Can we feel confident that they probably wouldn’t do that if he were going to get rejected?

My son has an interview on Thursday. Hope this is good news.

How did you get an interview? I haven’t heard anything about having an interview for me…

We just got a big envelope in the mail with acceptance letter inside.
Femsle, OOS, Aero
Sat 1510, gpa 3.77 uw, 4.4w
It was really nice to see handwritten note at the bottom of the letter?

S accepted today as well, civil engineering!! He loved the handwritten note as well. Did anyone else apply for the Ignite Scholarship?

Congrats! Hopefully my S will get his shortly. Any mention of Merit?

No. I believe that follows in a few weeks, along with FA.

My S applied for Ignite as well. He was accepted yesterday for Comp Sci, but no mention of merit or scholarship info.

My S was accepted yesterday for software engineering. He also applied for the Ignite scholarship. It’s too bad that the merit/scholarship info doesn’t come at the same time as the acceptance.

@nh414ct curious (due to your user name) are you in CT? And congrats!

Mine got in too, but I’m confused. Does Clarkson have rolling admission or did they speed up the process? Thought decisions wouldn’t be out until March.

The last two years at least they’ve released decisions in late January.

At the open house, the admissions team said they would send notifications in batches based on when the student applied. The first batch of notices would be released in late January, a second batch would come out in February, and I can’t remember if they do a last round in March. My son applied in late October and his acceptance came in January.

@taverngirl, thanks, and congrats to your son too! It’s a great school. We are in NH.

Hi all - Son was accepted! He is applying to the Honors College, and wants to study computer science. We have not been to the school, live in Wilmington NC, and only knew about it because his grandfather knows 2 people who went there years ago and highly recommended it. We will have to make a plan to visit. We are very excited, and like what we see… but it also seems so far away, and cold :slight_smile: especially since we live in the south. Any insights anyone can share who has been to the school would be so appreciated!
Congrats to all the students who have been accepted!

It is cold @betdor but if I recall correctly, all the buildings, including the dorms and dining are all connected by bridges. It’s very possible to get around campus and not go outside at all if necessary. That said, good winter gear and lots of layering will be helpful. It’s a beautiful part of the country and it would be a shame to spend most of a season inside ; )

We were very impressed with campus when we visited!

IMO, the one issue you should consider is how your student will get to/fro. It’s not an easy to school to reach and there are no major airports less than a 2 hour drive. There are some small regional airports closer but you would need to check to see how connections would work and which carriers fly there.

Hopefully some current Clarkson parents will chime in.

Received financial aid packet today. We don’t qualify for FA, but S received a very generous scholarship. Clarkson is rising to the top of son’s list! Is anyone else going to the Accepted Students Day 4/4?