Class of 18 Roll Call...who's applied and who's been accepted

<p>DS has been selected to the honors college and received the Foundation in Excellence Scholarship. </p>

<p>Good stuff! Waiting on a few other scholarships that he applied to when he submitted his application. It’s all good, this now puts him in a window of Mom & Dad giving the green light to go.</p>

<p>Hi Longhaul,
I received your message and attempted to reply. But since I have less than 15 posts, I was not able to do so. Is there a way around this? Or would it be OK with you if I reply publicly? Thanks.</p>

<p>Student Gender:female</p>

<p>Home State:texas</p>

<p>Date Applied:early July </p>

<p>Date Accepted:a couple of weeks later!</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?:yes twice</p>

<p>Major:marketing (might be going pre-med)</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?:yes</p>

<p>Career goal(s):</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention:</p>

<p>Congratulations on being accepted! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: AL</p>

<p>Date Applied: Late October/Early November 2013</p>

<p>Date Accepted: 11/26/13</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: I went to a game if that counts</p>

<p>Major: Marketing</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Probably</p>

<p>Career goal(s): …</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Roll Tide</p>

<p>Roll Tide and welcome Bradford!</p>

<p>Student Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: Texas</p>

<p>Date Applied: August 22</p>

<p>Date Accepted: August 28</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes, in July.</p>

<p>Major: Political science with a bio minor (pre med and pre law)</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Accepted</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Enroll in graduate JD/MD dual program; become a lobbyist or a politician.</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: I’m so excited for sorority recruitment and to start school in August! Roll tide!</p>

<p>For the parents of The University of Alabama Class of 2018 a FB page was just started. Go check it out. The link to it will not post correctly. You will need to search for it under the name " The University of Alabama Class of 2018 Parents"</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: Idaho</p>

<p>Date Applied: 12/7</p>

<p>Date Accepted: 12/18</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Haven’t been within 1000 miles of campus</p>

<p>Major: Electrical engineering</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: No</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Find a job in my field of study in this crappy economy</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: NMSF. Love Bama’s scholarship package</p>

<p>Student Gender:Female</p>

<p>Home State: Maryland</p>

<p>Date Applied:Late August</p>

<p>Date Accepted:Early October</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?:No, but soon</p>

<p>Major: Engineering Undecided</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?:Most Likely</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Get a job.</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: UA offers great merit scholarships</p>

<p>Student Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: New Jersey</p>

<p>Date Applied: Mid October</p>

<p>Date Accepted: Early November</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?:No, the closest I’ve been to Alabama is Florida</p>

<p>Major: Marketing</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?:No</p>

<p>Career goal(s): I want to work in the marketing department of Walt Disney World</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: I am really interested in attending UA but I am worried about the distance. If anyone has any advice for me, please let me know!</p>

<p>Lhollander, welcome. If you have looked any any of the other posts, you will see that many of our kids are from OOS. Mine is from WI. The only problem we have had because of the distance is plane problems (especially last week). The University was very accommodating to the kids who missed classes because of travel difficulties. Otherwise I don’t think the distance really matters. Also, if you have the stats to apply to the honors college, you might want to rethink your decision not too. My oldest who is at UA thinks being in the honors college is worth it, if only for early registration.</p>

<p>Yes, when the nation has crazy weather like it did last week, then air transportation became a crazy issue. However, that’s not the norm and the school does work with those situations.</p>

<p>Student Gender:Male</p>

<p>Home State: Virginia</p>

<p>Date Applied:Late November</p>

<p>Date Accepted:December</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?:No, but soon</p>

<p>Major: Engineering Undecided</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?:Accepted to Honors College & Engineering College</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Not sure </p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: NMSF Scholarships and Engineering scholarship</p>

<p>Welcome!!! when you decide your visit date, be sure to contact Susan in the HC ahead of time.</p>

<p>Student Gender: Female
Home State: NY
Date Applied: 12/13/13
Date Accepted: 1/7/14
Have you visited the campus?: March 8, 2014 for panhellenic preview day
Major: International Relations
Applying to the Honors College?: yes
Career goal(s): Politician, maybe? I will be going to law school right after college.
Any else you’d like to mention: Concerned UA is the right school for me… Far from home, extremely southern, and a HUGE school. I come from a high school of 400 students and I’m afraid of a culture shock- I’m joining Greek life as well as other organizations to help me assimilate nicely. On another note, I’m afraid of not getting a bid being from oos… Any advice about why I should attend will be greatly appreciated!</p>


<p>Bama isn’t an “extremely southern” school. I’ve visited schools that are very southern, and Bama isn’t one. </p>

<p>As for getting bids. You need recs. Some of us here can help you with that. Ahpimommy has lots of info for you. I’ll look in our Bama sticky thread and see if there is a link there. If not, we’ll try to add one.</p>

<p>Have all of you new folks looked thru the Bama sticky thread? If not, you should.</p>

<p>Just Accepted</p>

<p>Gender: Male
State: PA
Date Applied: 1/16 (school submitted materials, I applied 1/2)
Date Accepted: 1/22 (via phone call saying that I had already been accepted)
Not yet visited
Major: Business (with an intention to also study Spanish and go into International Business)
Applying to Honors College: Yes
GPA: 3.52 UW/ 4.46 W
SAT: 2310 (800 M, 780 W, 730 CR)
National Merit Finalist (not officially such for a few more weeks)</p>

<p>Welcome!!! </p>

<p>You need to visit!!!</p>

<p>Wow… I wish I had looked at UA earlier. Seems like a great place reading the posts on here.</p>