Class of '20 ~ Who's Applied and Who's been Accepted?

Roll Tide!

@cable007 Congrats!! Why were you surprised??

A bit late to the process, I just applied today. Good GPA and 33 ACT, so I should get the Presidential scholarship. Can someone explain how competitive scholarships work? I think we can apply for them after we gain an acceptance letter, right? I’m worried that I’m late in this game since they probably won’t receive my transcript until next week. Also, does anyone else find it a bit strange that they don’t even ask about your extracurriculars on the application?

Accepted into UA and Honors, and got Presidential scholarship w/ 34 ACT and 4.0 UW / 5.25 W. So excited!!!

@gearsstudio You’re not too late to get the Presidential. Send your scores and transcript.

No, you don’t wait until after acceptance to submit the scholarship app. In the next 24-48 hours, you’ll get an email with your CWID. Use that to log into MyBama…and then submit the scholarshiip app.

You don’t need your transcript sent yet for you to apply for scholarship. Just submit the scholarship app within the next few days soon.

No, it’s not strange…Bama admits by GPA, test scores, and courses…not by ECs

What is your major? What competitive awards are you looking at?

@mr2236 Congrats! Have you visited?

will be applying for honors soon. i was surprised because my UW GPA is lower than 3.8 (but my ACT’s a 34). They probably looked at weighted so that’s good.

@cable007 You need a 3.5 (I believe UW) for the presidential. 3.8 is only for the UFE (maybe also for CBHP).

Student Gender: M

Home State: New Hampshire

Date Applied: 11/11/15

Date Accepted: 11/23/15

Have you visited campus?: No

Major: Microbiology

Applying to Honors College: Yes

Career goal: Biomedical research or public health

I have a 3.59 UW GPA and 33 ACT, so if I’m interpreting the website right, I should get the presidential scholarship; however, it doesn’t mention it in the letter and I can’t find it on MyBama. Is there somewhere else I should be looking?

DD2 has applied and filled in the scholarship application. Her stats qualify for the Presidential scholarship and she would like to apply for the honors college as well. We sent in her transcript (she is homeschooled) and it arrived to the admiss. office middle of last week, but it’s still not logged into her account. With Thanksgiving/Fall Break this week, we’re a little concerned about how long it’s going to take to get her application approved (I realize a week isn’t much time to get the transcript attached to her account… but she has a shrinking window of time to get her honors applications filled out and essays written… and, I assume, a letter of recommendation also sent in?) :slight_smile:

Should she, at this date, also email about the essay prompts? Or wait patiently until the beginning of next week?

Student Gender: F

Home State: NJ

Date Applied: Nov 5th

Date Accepted: 11/23

Have you visited the campus?: Yes

Major: Journalism

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Journalist/High School Guidance Counselor

Any else you’d like to mention: Excited about my acceptance! I’m also curious as to when we hear about oos merit scholarships, because my letter doesn’t mention it but I should have qualified.

@thermagirl I received two different letters! One of my acceptance and the other for scholarships.

@Chopinspiano How far apart did you receive them??

2290 superscore 3.87GPA from California here, just got sent my acceptance letter. Definitely thinking about attending, especially if they get me into the University Fellows thing. I get full-tuition off so it’ll be cheaper than any of the UC’s at a similar quality of education.

Anyone else apply to the business school? Also, how easy is it to switch colleges while you’re at the university? Could I switch to a major in engineering or PoliSci easily?

When do we get the honors college decision after applying?

My D was accepted! No letter yet for scholarship but she should get the Presidential!

Student Gender: F
Home State: PA
Date Applied: Nov 18th
Date Accepted: Nov 23rd (wow quick!)
Have you visited the campus?: Not yet
Major: Electrical Engineering
Applying to the Honors College?: Yes
Career goal(s): Unsure

Folks! The scholarship letter(s) come in a separate envelope, usually a business day or two after the two acceptance letters come (formal acceptance and separate certificate).

Welcome and Congratulations!

If you don’t receive your award letter shortly after mailed acceptance, then write to Include full name, address, and CWID so she can locate your file quickly and respond.

If you have yet to tour Bama or would like to tour again and would like more info on how to meet with faculty, meet with honors or MDB, or be shown anything that is not on the typical campus tour, then send me a PM for more info. I will be happy to help you.

Once you are accepted, apply for the Honors College if you’re qualified. The link can be found on MyBama on the Academics tab. Acceptance should not take long. Do not worry about the length of the HC essay. They just want a couple of sentences introducing yourself. Admittance is by stats, not essay.

If you’re applying to UFE or CBH, then THOSE essays are very important.

If you have just applied to the SCHOOL, then don’t wait until acceptance to submit your scholarship app.


Hi - I received my acceptance letter and certificate over a week ago but have not received any letters on scholarships. Above you mention I should have received something a day or two after that regarding scholarships. I think I might have filled out the scholarship application a week after I applied to Alabama so not sure if that may be the difference in timing but I thought that application was for separate scholarshipst, not the ‘automatic’ ones. I also did apply to Honors College. I would like to email Amber Capell as you note above but curious as to what to say/how to phrase it. I don’t want to sound like I am owed a scholarship but have a 31 ACT and 3.98W/5.17uw and was under the impression I’d get the 66% and then 33% from Coll of Eng plus the $2500. Should I wait or email her? Also, any advice as how best to phrase the question? Thanks.

I would wait until Sunday, and if you don’t receive the scholarship letter tomorrow or Saturday, then send the email to Amber.

Just say something like: I’m excited to have been accepted to Alabama. I have an ACT 31, and a 3.98 GPA GPA. My CWID is _________. I believe that I qualify for the UA Scholar scholarship. When might I receive notification in regards to that award? Thank you for your time and attention to this concern.

then include your full name, address,

It’s possible that the letter has gotten lost or ??

Thanks for the quick reply and advice. Happy Thanksgiving!