Class of '20 ~ Who's Applied and Who's been Accepted?


Call the Admissions Office. They will tell you whether you have been admitted.

Student Gender: M

Home State: Illinois

Date Applied: 11/29/15

Date Accepted: 12/14/2015

Have you visited campus?: No

Major: Public Relations

Applying to Honors College: Yes

Career Goal: become a billionaire

Just got the Presidential Scholarship! Does anyone know how much the Graham Family Endowed scholarship is worth? Also, how hard is it to get it?

There has been much talk about how additional scholarships are generally not given to students who already qualify for the Presidential., since it is already such a generous award. The Alumni Association especially likes to spread the love around. :wink:

This past year there were 3 recipients for the Graham Family Endowed scholarship. I do not know how much the awards were.

The deadline for applying for these endowed scholarships was Dec 15th, for new students.
Each year, current students may also apply or re-apply.

See here for complete information: There is a PDF listing the recipients for last fiscal year ('14-'15). The '15-'16 list will come out shortly (as soon as fiscal year ends/begins for NAA).

My DD has been accepted to Engineering and received the scholarships which is great.

Any idea how long it takes to find out if she is accepted to the Honors College? Also, do they notify by email or snail mail?
She applied for Honors College around 12/6 and we have a visit planned for 1/19 (her first time seeing the campus) so would be great to know before then.

OOS Female
ACT - 30 (w/ 32 superscore), highest individual scores are 35 E, 33 M, 29 R, 30 S, 9 Writing
3.6 UW / 4.1 W (school doesn’t rank)
ECs - Good, involved year round in varsity sports and other activities
8 APs - AP Calc BC, AP Physics, etc


Just realized she was notified of acceptance to Honors College via the Crimson email account (which we didn’t realize existed until today). So all is good.

Does anyone know how to apply to the University Honors Program? Is that the same thing as getting accepted into the Honors College?

Student Gender: Female

Home State: Alabama

Date Applied: August

Date Accepted: September

Have you visited the campus?: Yes been going to Tuscaloosa since birth:)

Major: Biology (Pre-Med)

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes I applied and I have been accepted

Career goal(s): Physician

Any else you’d like to mention: Roll Tide!

@gearsstudio Yes. Did you apply to the HC using the link on MyBama?

Welcome @Abbeydeffen My son did his premed at Bama, so you can PM me with any questions.

@mom2collegekids Yes, I’ve been accepted into the Honors College. I was just wondering whether that’s the same thing as UHP.

@gearsstudio - yes. There are some specific honors programs, but the general one is UHP.

Accepted: August
Visited: Yes, and will be attending University Day in Feb
Major: Speech Patholog

If classes begin aug 17, will move in be Aug 13?
Anyone know how early the band moves in?

Hi @Suebee73 …sent you a PM


I didn’t do a search, so this might have been asked already.

What is the difference between University Day and a normal visit in March?

I am thinking of visiting sometime in March.

Universtiy day is more in-depth - you get to meet with 2 colleges, financial aid advisors, and get more detailed info about everything. There is a link to the University Day schedule on the website.

I am actually trying to decide if we want to do a university day or schedule meetings with her college and honors college through our rep on a different date.
We did the traditional tour this past summer.

So not my D, but my best friend’s D, who is like a second daughter to me got her acceptance letter today. She is thrilled; Bama is her number one choice! They live in southern California and have not been to the campus. Can anyone direct me to links of their favorite videos of the university? I already emailed them this one: but would love to share more. :slight_smile:

Hi, in the MyBama portal it says a decision has been made on my application. Do I need to look somewhere else to see the decision? Just want to make sure I’m not missing anything!

You can call the Admissions Office and they will tell you whether you have been admitted. Good luck!