Class of '20 ~ Who's Applied and Who's been Accepted?

Student Gender: F

Home State: CO

Date Applied: 8/05/15

Date Accepted: -

Have you visited the campus?: No, but will soon

Major: Engineering (possibly chem/bio)

Minor: Political Science

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Patent Lawyer or Engineer

Anything Else You’d Like to Mention: I’m super excited about the scholarship opportunities, AP Credit, and Honors College! I can’t wait to check out the campus!


Student Gender: Male

Home State: California

Date Applied: 8/31/15

Date Accepted:

Have you visited the campus?: Nope

Major: Computer Science

Applying to the Honors College?: Probably

Career goal(s): Software Engineer

Any else you’d like to mention: I love to watch Netflix and chill :wink:

^^ Gross, Japers. Parents know what that means, FYI.

^^^ They do? Clearly I’m missing the part that’s gross.

Ya learn something new every day!

^^learn something new every day! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow…now I know.

Student Gender: Male

Home State: Michigan

Date Applied: 8/13/15

Date Accepted:_____

Have you visited the campus?: Yes

Major: Biology

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Doctor (Thinking dermatology)

Does anyone know when UA will start reviewing applications/releasing decisions? I have heard that they will start to review applications right after labor day and that decisions will begin to be released soon after that.
Will I most likely be accepted with 33 ACT / 4.3 weighted GPA?
Thanks and good luck to all of this year’s applicants! :slight_smile:

UA pretty much guarantees merit scholarships if you meet certain thresholds (which you do @john7807) and apply within the deadlines, so you can assume you will be admitted to the university.

More info on scholarships here:

Student Gender: Male

Home State: Texas

Date Applied: 9/7/15

Date Accepted: ?

Have you visited the campus?: Yup, had a wonderful tour via the honors program. My write up:

Major: Chemical Engineering

Applying to the Honors College?: yes

Career goal(s): research

Any else you’d like to mention: my son will be applying to the CBH and STEM MBA programs.

Student Gender: F

Home State: South Carolina

Date Applied: 9/7/15

Date Accepted: impatiently waiting :slight_smile:

Have you visited the campus?: Not yet - planning to do so this semester

Major: Journalism

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): TV producer

Any else you’d like to mention: Really excited to see what they have to offer. Several students from my high school are at UA and they love it! Hoping I’ll fall in love with UA when I visit later this year.

Student Gender: Male

Home State: SC

Date Applied: 07/23/15

Date Accepted: Soon (Hopefully!)

Have you visited the campus?: Yes, over summer

Major: Biology (Pre-med track)

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): MD/MPH

Any else you’d like to mention: Dying to find out about acceptance! Love the campus… ready for next fall!

Student Gender: F

Home State: AL

Date Applied: 7/16

Date Accepted: 9/8 ( Student Tab and Freshman Enrollment Deposit Link popped up on MyBama )

Have you visited the campus?: yes

Major: Psychology

Applying to the Honors College?: maybe later

Career goal(s): PhD Psychology/Psychiatrist/ I/O Psychology

Any else you’d like to mention: UA has made my D feel very welcome throughout the application process. She loves the campus and everything UA has to offer her. UA was her first choice. ROLL TIDE!!


ACCEPTED!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Question, We do not see any congrats your accepted. Under status it say decision made. And it offers a live link to
to deposit, but there is no place to actually pay the deposit. Assume this means that my S is accepted?

Accepted (at least I think so; I’ll consider it official when I get my letter)! For those of you who applied for scholarships, did yours show up under Scholarship Offers? I qualify for the Presidential Scholarship and I submitted my scholarship application, but it says I have no offers. Does this show up for you? Thank you!

Accepted :slight_smile: So excited for this opportunity