Class of '20 ~ Who's Applied and Who's been Accepted?

please, how do you really know that you are accepted? is it an active deposit tab? help, my S is anxious for some additional confirmation here

When you log into mybama, he should now have a tab that says “Student”. Also, under the Academics tab, there should now be a link to pay your Freshman Enrollment Deposit. (although when I click the link, there is nothing there)

@BigPapiofthree I’m not completely sure. I just looked to see if I had access to the Honors College Application and Scholarship Offers, and since I did, I assumed I was accepted.


DD2 logged in and she is accepted.

Her big sister, DD1 is a jr at UA and loves it!

DD2 is graduating high school a year early so this is great!

Student Gender: Male

Home State: Michigan

Date Applied: July 23, 2015

Date Accepted: September 8, 2015

Have you visited the campus?: Yes. It was amazing!

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Something with robotics. I am on a FIRST team right now and I enjoy it a lot. I am also interested in the space industry and I think working for NASA or SpaceX, or some company like that, would be really cool.

Any else you’d like to mention: I think the astrobotics team at UA sounds really interesting and fun.

Roll Tide!

Student Gender: F

Home State: Arkansas

Date Applied: July 29, 2015

Date Accepted: September 8th? I am assuming I’m accepted, I have a student tab on mybama the option to pay enrollment deposit, but when I click on the link nothing comes up. Does this mean I’m accepted?

Have you visited the campus?: Yes, February 2015. LOVED IT

Major: Social Work

Applying to the Honors College?: No

Career goal(s): I’m not 100% sure yet… Something with children.

Student Gender: F

Home State: Nevada

Date Applied: July 20, 2015

Date Accepted: September 8, 2015

Have you visited the campus? Yes

Major: Computer Science

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career Goal (s): Research in cyber security.

Anything else you’d like to mention: DD loved the campus when we visited and is looking forward to a semi-stress free
senior year (at least as far as where to go, what to do after Sr. yr). She made up her mind early where she wanted to go, one and done.

Filling in for my son

Student Gender: Male

Home State: Nevada

Date Applied: 8/23/15

Date Accepted: 9/8/15 YAY!

Have you visited the campus?: Need to schedule trip this week

Major: Civil Engineering

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Engineer

Any else you’d like to mention: As a parent, I am impressed with the amount of AP credit that can be carried into the U of Alabama. My older son who is leaving for college this week was only allowed to receive credit for 2 AP classes where he is going. Feel like I wasted a lot of money on tests his Senior year. Very excited about this school and the full tuition scholarship with his stats. Roll Tide!!!

Student Gender: Male

Home State: Colorado

Date Applied: 07/08/2015

Date Accepted: 09/08/2015 (two agonizing months of waiting)

Have you visited the campus?: No but I plan to in November :slight_smile:

Major: Chemical engineering (still deciding if I plan to do mechanical or electrical instead)

Applying to the Honors College?:Yes (I also plan to apply to UFE and CBH)

Career goal(s): Engineering

Any else you’d like to mention: I am so happy that Alabama has admitted me even when I am taking a gap year after high school. I qualify for the Presidential Scholarship and the engineering leadership scholarship and even though all my tuition is covered and then some, life is not free. I am currently working full time and studying on my own so that when I start school I have more than enough money for all expenses (personal, transportation, room and board, rent and utilities, medical expenses, meal plans, dining dollars, etc.) for 4 years. It is sad that it is so much cheaper to go out-of-state than in-state Colorado because scholarships here are “token” and don’t really make a dent for the huge tuition and room and board costs. Hell, it is cheaper for me to go to Bama after all things considered than to live at home and commute to the engineering school 5 miles down from my house (Colorado School of Mines) because just tuition, fees, and books are running $80,000+(with inflation) for four years for in-state!!! In my high school we joked that the big public state schools in Colorado are just subsidized “for-profit” playgrounds, because only the rich of Colorado and Californians can afford the obscene annual price tags to attend while the poor and middle class get the shaft. There was no way I was going to ask my parents to take out Parent Plus loans or private loans for a state school since Alabama would require neither in my situation. Even though I miss learning in a classroom this year and I envy a little my friends who are off to college, I will feel revitalized after being burnt out senior year and no college loans will be a blessing :slight_smile: Thank you Bama for this opportunity!

btw I am new to College Confidential so forgive me if I don’t know how to format things here. However, I have been following @mom2collegekids for a long time and she was a big influence in choosing Bama. Thank you for the insight and I look forward to my time in Bama next year! :slight_smile:

^^ JPChipotleMan…welcome aboard. My DS and one of his roommates are Freshman members of CBHP and both ChemE. Best of luck with your applications to these programs and Roll Tide!

Is anyone able to pay the freshman enrollment deposit yet? There is a link to it, but nothing there.

@JPChipotleMan Welcome, you sound like a really smart kid. My son was also accepted yesterday for engineering. Maybe we will meet one day. Best of luck to you.

@BocaTerp Roll Tide! Thanks I appreciate it. I look forward to the southern hospitality Alabama will offer and the close community with the engineering program. Out of curiosity if you don’t mind me asking, what were the GPA/ACT stats of the two individuals you mention being in the CBHP? On the CBHP website it said that the average for 2014 was 4.3 GPA/33 ACT. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

@JPChipotleMan welcome from the parent of BocaTerp’s CBH roommate. It is certainly an exciting time for all the students. RTR!

@mumz14 Thanks for the compliment. Being the older brother of a sibling who would be in college in four years I had to accept that in order for my brother’s opportunities for colleges not to be squandered for economical reasons, I had to choose a school that would not put so much financial strain on my family. That is why I am taking a year off in order to save money and share in the financial responsibility with my parents. Whatever your opinion may be on parental contribution of college, my parents were happy to make a 100% match on whatever income I made in this year and if I continue with the job I have been working at for the last year, I will be able to have enough saved to take care of myself and my parents can say they have one child for college figured out, which is a blessing some do not have. It’s an interesting experience working while everyone goes to college. Being in the top 5% of my class, 4.3 GPA and 32 ACT, it came off as a taboo at first to my peers when I told them I wasn’t planning on going to college immediately and rather that I was going to work. Also it came off with looks when I told them my dream college was The University of Alabama. What sets me aside from them, though, is that “dignity” should not trump reasoning and sound mind when I know in one year I will have the financial resources I need without loans to enjoy my time in Alabama. To me, taking a year off and knowing my family won’t be put in a hard situation for college like I would if I went in-state makes me know I am making the right choice for myself. Plus the reality of it was that I did not even know about Alabama till January of my senior year, so I would not have gotten the scholarships if I went this fall anyways. I took a gamble, held onto one junior year transcript, and now I am admitted to Bama :slight_smile: The nice thing of a gap year is learning and experiencing things most young adults won’t figure out till after college. Once I got a job, I learned how to manage both a weekly and monthly budget, balance a check book, fill out tax forms, and be what it means to be a dependable worker. Even with the hard work I do, I do not regret being “left behind” as my peers put it. The way I see it, we all are going to work 40-50 years anyways so might as well have one year under my belt :wink: Sorry for the rant but I just felt like sharing my personal story since Alabama will be my new home soon and I want to be open to the new adventure awaiting!

@2015pop Hello there! Thanks for the reply. I was asking BocaTerp about his child’s stats for the CBHP but I was also curious by the stats of your child if you do not mind me asking :slight_smile: I just wanted to see if I was competitive or not.

@2015pop thanks for the pm! I am learning my way around college confidential so thank you for the insight.

@JPChipotleMan I sent you a PM

@JPChipotleMan Congratulations on your achievements and welcome to UA. Your parents must be very proud of you! Kudos for having such maturity and insight at your age! @garland97 the link does not actually work for me yet either. I am sure they are in the process of rolling everything out for fall 2016.

Thanks @dutchmomsey that means a lot. I look forward to my visit in the next couple of months and to integrate myself in the UA family :slight_smile: