Class of '20 ~ Who's Applied and Who's been Accepted?

@mom2collegekids I think they have everything. However, under the link on mybama that says “Check Admission Status”, there are four things under “requirements” including “High School Transcript” and “High School Transcript EC/HC”. There is no received date for High School Transcript, but there is for High School Transcript EC/HC. I don’t know what the difference between these is, because I sent them the only official transcript my school has.
My transcript was received August 11th and my ACT score on May 13th, and I submitted my application on July 22nd.
My mybama already has the student tab because I am in early college and therefore have access to most things an undergrad student would have on mybama. If you have any advice, let me know. Thanks.

@bamagirl12, from my understanding when my daughter was in Early College, if you were accepted into EC, you had an auto admit into UA.

The “High School Transcrippt EC/HC” would be they have your transcript for UA Early College and/or Honors College. This means you were accepted into the Early College program and they have your transcript for such. You can call and verify with admissions next week, but, I am going to guess they are good there and will just need your final transcript after HS graduation.

They do not send out acceptances based on alpha, we are way near the end of the alphabet :wink:

@TxNewCollegeMom but I’m not accepted yet. I know because when I try to apply to the honors college, it says I am “Not an Admitted or Current Student”. So, something is missing.

@bamagirl12 Call UG Admissions on Monday to verify that your HS transcript has been received and that you have been accepted. If your transcript has been received and you’re already accepted, then contact UAEC and Testing and Technology Support Services and ask them to look into the coding. This has been an issue for the past two years and relates to a coding issue with UAEC students being “non degree seeking” students. Contact Teri Terry, (205) 348-0609. She was able to correct issues for the past two years. Once accepted you should be able to apply to the HC, complete the scholarship application, pay the enrollment deposit, and change your major at will. If you cannot do all of these, then coding is the issue. I think the automatic admission referenced above may require successful completion of 17 hours and is targeted at in state students who complete UAEC courses as dual enrollment, but no need to worry. You’ll be admitted. Best of luck!

@bamagirl12 What state are you from? Do you know who your recruiter is?

ahhh…NC…let me find your recruiter.

Western North Carolina

Eastern North Carolina

Hopewell, Rachael Assoc Vp For Enrollment Management 919-628-6121

Dworsky, Amanda Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships 980-229-5618

Send an email to your recruiter. Include your CWID, your full name and address, and tell her the situation. She can find out and walk it thru.

Has anyone received an official letter of acceptance yet? My son received a letter today from UA, but I have to wait for him to come home from cross country. I hope it’s his letter of acceptance!

It’s official! My son received his letter of acceptance today with Presidential Scholarship! I’m so happy and yet crying at at the same time.

My daughter received her letter today that included her scholarship offer. Very exciting!

D received her acceptance letter and scholarship letter in the mail today as well. She was super excited!

I also got my acceptance and UA scholar letter in the mail today! :slight_smile:

Does any know when department scholarships (ie: engineering scholarships) are being sent out?

Roll Tide!

DS received two letters yesterday, one from Admissions with the “Acceptance” dated 9/10 and another from the President’s Office congratulating him and outlining his scholarship, dated 9/11.

He is one happy camper! ROLL TIDE!!!

Student Gender: male

Home State: Ks

Date Applied: 7/16

Date Accepted: 9/11

Have you visited the campus?: yes, in July

Major: mechanical engineering

Applying to the Honors College?: yes

Career goal(s): design cars

Any else you’d like to mention: Pres. Scholarship awarded ( yea!) My son is still deciding between Ole Miss, Miss St and Alabama. Waiting on info from the other 2 schools. It’s a dead heat! Crazy but exciting too. Love the Bama thread! Thks!!!

Just got a letter yesterday! My son was accepted and a great scholarship offer was referenced! Roll Tide!

Student Gender: M

Home State: Illinois

Date Applied: 8/7/2015

Date Accepted: 9/14/2015

Have you visited the campus?: Yes

Major: Computer Science

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Software engineer

Another note - During our visit, we had a great chat with the travel abroad coordinator and found there is an opportunity to get a global studies certificate as well. This will give my son a great background for working on a software team since these teams can be global.

Check your alabama email guys!
I just received my honors college acceptance :slight_smile:

Thanks for those who tried to help me with my little situation. I can now access the honors college application and my “check admission application status” says decision made, so I guess I’m accepted. Now I just have to wait on the letter! Yay!

@bamagirl12 Yay!

RE: eng’g merit. Those get sent out later by the CoE…and they tend to do them in batches.

Just received letter of acceptance and Presidential scholarship. Awesome. What is amazing is how early this is processed, and even before Honors and Scholarship apps can be sent. A shot across the bow for Yale, GT, Harvey Mudd and Duke.

Student Gender: M

Home State: Arizona

Date Applied: 8/15/15

Date Accepted: 9/16/15

Have you visited the campus?: Not yet, going with my dad first week of October.

Major: Chemical or Electrical Engineering

Applying to the Honors College?: Absolutely!

Career goal(s): Engineering professional, MSE or MBA

Any else you’d like to mention: Roll tide!

Congratulations @ConcertoinD You’ll soon ALSO get another scholarship for $2500 per year from Eng’g.

Are you a NMSF?

@concertoinD do you realize UA has a STEM MBA program? You can do honors college and this is a program within HC. My DD is an engineering student in the STEM MBA program. 1.5 hours/sem with the same professor during UG, and then after UG doing FT SU/FA/SP/SU and have MBA.