Class of '20 ~ Who's Applied and Who's been Accepted?

Student Gender: F

Home State: Ohio

Date Applied: 7/06/15

Date Accepted:10/1/15

Have you visited the campus?: Yes!

Major: Finance

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes!

Career goal(s): CFP

Any else you’d like to mention: Roll Tide

I just applied online. Do I need to send in recommendations?

How long it is taking to get an answer after everything is received? They finally received D’s transcript yesterday.

No recommendations.

Thank you, everyone. I just returned from Bama campus visit to Tuscaloosa. Wow! What great facilities for engineering and honors housing. The athletics facilities are out of this world–that gym! Had a great meeting with Prof Van Sant from ChE. He was awesome, took us down personally to see the distillation tower his students were working with. Met two ChE students from Computer-Based Honors to talk about their research. Really impressive all around, and the personal attention was striking. I encourage anyone to definitely plan a visit.

Update on my transcript: my regional Alabama representative came to my school and after I told her about my transcript problem she fixed it as soon as she left :slight_smile: so now they have all of my materials

I’m here to answer my own question from two days ago. They received D’s transcript on 10/7. Today, 10/9 she has the student tab and the link to the honors application.

Student Gender: Female

Home State: MA

Date Applied: Sept 19

Date Accepted: Oct 9

Have you visited the campus?: Not yet

Major: Political Science/History/English (not decided)

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Law

Posting for my son.

Nice letter today from the U of A (hey a little poem!)

Student Gender: Male

Home State: AZ

Date Applied: mid Sept.

Date Accepted: letter received on Oct 9

Have you visited the campus?: Not yet

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Engineer

Student Gender: Male

Home State: NC

Date Applied: July (but my transcript wasn’t received until Oct. 1st)

Date Accepted: Oct 9

Have you visited the campus?: Not yet, will only visit if it becomes a serious contender

Major: journalism/political science

Applying to the Honors College?: no

Career goal(s): who knows???

roll tide!!

D just got her letters! We will probably visit in Feb.

Welcome and congrats to all who’ve been accepted.

Student Gender: M

Home State: Texas

Date Applied: Aug 6th, 2015

Date Accepted: October 12, 2015

Have you visited the campus?: Nope

Major: Political Science

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Become a lawyer

Anything else you’d like to mention: My transcript was received on Thursday October the 8th and I got a decision today. When do we get an official acceptance besides the student tab?

If I apply this Friday, how long would it take to get a decision? Also, is there an early decision/early action application deadline for the fall 2016?

@brooke4998 I applied on Oct 2nd and they received all of my materials by the 9th. I got my acceptance today so Ii’d say less than 2 weeks if you have everything in…

Also, does GPA have a big impact on admission? My GPA is kind of low right now but it’ll be up to a 3.5 by the beginning of December.

How low is your GPA? What are your test scores and GPA?

I have a 3.1 GPA and a 1430 on the SAT

What is your M+CR score?

What is your weighted GPA?

What is M+CR? and my weighted GPA is 3.1154

Math + Critical reading